[pgrouting-users] Motorway Junctions

John Williams jdwilliams1982 at gmail.com
Sat May 26 15:19:30 EDT 2012

Hey gang. I've been working on text-based (turn by turn) driving
directions. I noticed a couple days ago that OSM data stores information
about motorway junctions in the node tags... things like junction reference
and exit text, which would allow me to add more detail to the directions
(ie, "take exit 1A towards yada..."). I modified osm2pgrouting to pull this
data so I could apply it to the ways, but it's not working out very well so
far. It's probably a flaw in my logic, so I wanted to run it by you guys.
Right now, when the ways are being split I checkall the nodes to see if one
is a junction, and I check the way to see if it's a motorway_link and if
they are I populate the two columns I added to ways: junction_reference and
exit_text. Then, when constructing the directions, if I have either of
these I can print "take exit" instead of "turn right" or whatever.

It doesn't seem to be populating the data for all the appropriate ways. Do
you see any flaws in the way I'm approaching this?

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