[pgrouting-users] pgrouting Dijksta Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) with OpenStreetmap

Carsten Hogertz carsten.hogertz at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 12:54:34 PST 2014

Thanks Steve,

coming home and adding your lines it returns with an error:

NOTICE:  r2:
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN QUERY
PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY
NOTICE:  r2.id1: 34304
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN QUERY
PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY
NOTICE:  ids: <NULL>
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN QUERY
PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY
ERROR:  cannot concatenate incompatible arrays
DETAIL:  Arrays with differing element dimensions are not compatible for
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_makedijkstramatrix" line 25 at assignment
PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN QUERY
PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY

I tried to write to Dose but he didn't reply yet.
Does anyone have a clue?

Thanks for you help

2014-02-20 16:24 GMT+01:00 Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com>:

> On 2/20/2014 9:41 AM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>> Hi Carsten,
>> The functions at
>>    http://dose.0wnz.at/scripts/sql/pgroute_tspDijkstra.sql
>> are not part of pgRouting.
>> You need to ask this question to Ivan the author of the original article.
> Sorry, Dose was the original author.
>> You probably need to add some debug statements to get a better
>> understanding of what the code is doing. For example in
>> pgr_makeDijkstraMatrix before the statement:
>> ids := ids || array[r2.id1];
> You could try changing this line to:
> ids := ids || r2.id1;
> and see if that fixes the problem.
> -Steve
>  Add:
>> raise notice 'r2: %', r2;
>> raise notice 'r2.id1: %', r2.id1;
>> raise notice 'ids: %', ids;
>> This should show you the progression of how the array ids is getting
>> built as it appears to be compaining about that in the error message.
>> Hope this helps,
>>    -Steve
>> On 2/20/2014 9:21 AM, Carsten Hogertz wrote:
>>> Hi everybody, I am new to this list and new to pgrouting.
>>> I found the following TSP example
>>> http://hardwarefetish.com/513-pgrouting-dijksta-travelling-
>>> salesman-problem-tsp-with-openstreetmap
>>> and tried to reproduce the solution.
>>> Unfortunately I always get an error message.
>>> My DB is complaining about one of your functions.
>>> I got my routing table from osm2po. The table has the following
>>> structure:
>>> 1;”id”;”integer”
>>> 2;”osm_id”;”bigint”
>>> 3;”osm_name”;”character varying”
>>> 4;”osm_meta”;”character varying”
>>> 5;”osm_source_id”;”bigint”
>>> 6;”osm_target_id”;”bigint”;
>>> 7;”clazz”;”integer”
>>> 8;”flags”;”integer”
>>> 9;”source”;”integer”
>>> 10;”target”;”integer”
>>> 11;”length”;”double precision”
>>> 12;”kmh”;”integer”
>>> 13;”cost”;”double precision”
>>> 14;”reverse_cost”;”double precision”
>>> 15;”x1″;”double precision”
>>> 16;”y1″;”double precision”
>>> 17;”x2″;”double precision”
>>> 18;”y2″;”double precision”
>>> 19;”geom_way”;”geometry(LineString,4326)”
>>> - I installed the functions as mentioned via SQL window in pgAdmin3
>>> (copy&paste then excecute)
>>> - I create and populate the my_route table
>>> - When it comes to step 5 and I try
>>> select id,lon,lat from pgr_tspDijkstraLen(’my_route’, 1260
>>> ) dj, my_route rt where dj.id2=rt.node;
>>> my DB warns
>>> ERROR: cannot concatenate incompatible arrays
>>> DETAIL: Arrays with differing element dimensions are not compatible for
>>> concatenation.
>>> CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function “pgr_makedijkstramatrix” line 25 at
>>> assignment PL/pgSQL function “pgr_tspdijkstra” line 8 at RETURN QUERY
>>> PL/pgSQL function “pgr_tspdijkstralen” line 3 at RETURN QUERY
>>> ********** Fehler **********
>>> ERROR: cannot concatenate incompatible arrays SQL Status:2202E
>>> Detail:Arrays with differing element dimensions are not compatible for
>>> concatenation.
>>> Kontext:PL/pgSQL function “pgr_makedijkstramatrix” line 25 at assignment
>>> PL/pgSQL function “pgr_tspdijkstra” line 8 at RETURN QUERY
>>> PL/pgSQL function “pgr_tspdijkstralen” line 3 at RETURN QUERY
>>> Do you have any idea what went wrong? I really really need your
>>> solutionget working. I would appreciate a lot.
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> PS: this text is a copy of what I wrote on on the comment site of the
>>> blog where I found the solution.
>>> BR
>>> Carsten
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