[pgrouting-users] pgrouting Dijksta Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) with OpenStreetmap

Carsten Hogertz carsten.hogertz at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 12:14:58 PST 2014

Hi Steve,
have been busy the last days so I only check your Thursday's solution right
now. Still not working.
My function looks like this:

create or replace function pgr_makeDijkstraMatrix(thetbl text, sqlP text,
OUT dmatrix double precision[], OUT ids integer[])
    sql text;
    sql2 text;
    r record;
    r2 record;
    i integer;
    j integer;
    matrixl double precision[];

ids := '{}'::integer[];
    sql:='select node, id-1 as id from '||thetbl;
    for r in execute sql loop
            sql2:='select id1, array_agg(cost) as arow from (
          SELECT id1, id2, cost
          FROM pgr_kdijkstraCost('''||sqlP||''', '||r.node||
              ', (select array_agg(node) from '||thetbl||' where
false, false)
         ) as foo group by id1 order by id1';
        for r2 in execute sql2 loop
        matrixl := '{}';
        for i in 1..r.id loop
                  matrixl := array_append(matrixl, dmatrix[i][r.id+1]);
                end loop;
                matrixl := array_cat(matrixl, r2.arow);
            dmatrix := array_cat(dmatrix, array[matrixl]);
raise notice 'r2: %', r2;
raise notice 'r2.id1: %', r2.id1;
raise notice 'ids: %', ids;
           --ids := ids || r2.id1;
ids := array_cat(ids, array[r2.id1]);
        end loop;
    end loop;
language plpgsql stable cost 10;

create or replace function pgr_tspDijkstra(thetbl text, sql text, start_id
integer, end_id integer default (-1))
    returns setof pgr_costResult as
    sid integer;
    eid integer;


    return query with dm  as (
        select * from pgr_makeDijkstraMatrix( thetbl, sql )
    ids as (
        select (row_number() over (order by id asc))-1 as rnum, id
          from (
                select unnest(ids) as id
                  from dm
                ) foo
    t as (
        select a.seq, b.rnum, b.id
          from pgr_tsp(
                   (select dmatrix from dm),
                   (select rnum from ids where id=start_id limit
                   (case when end_id = -1 then -1 else (select rnum from
ids where id=end_id limit 1) end)::integer
               ) a,
               ids b
         where a.id=b.rnum
    r as (
        select array_agg(t.rnum) as rnum from t
    select t.seq::integer,
           t.rnum::integer as id1,
           t.id::integer as id2,

1)+1]+1]::float8 as cost
      from t, dm, r;
language plpgsql volatile cost 50 rows 50;

create or replace function pgr_tspDijkstraLen(thetbl text, start_id
integer, end_id integer default (-1))
    returns setof pgr_costResult as
     return query SELECT * FROM pgr_tspDijkstra(thetbl,
          'SELECT  id, source::integer, target::integer, length::double
precision AS cost FROM cgn_2po_4pgr',
           start_id, end_id);
language plpgsql stable;

AND the error I am getting:
NOTICE:  r2:
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN QUERY
PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY
NOTICE:  r2.id1: 34304
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN QUERY
PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY
NOTICE:  ids: {}
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN QUERY
PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY
ERROR:  cannot concatenate incompatible arrays
DETAIL:  Arrays with differing element dimensions are not compatible for
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_makedijkstramatrix" line 26 at assignment
PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN QUERY
PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY

********** Fehler **********

ERROR: cannot concatenate incompatible arrays
SQL Status:2202E
Detail:Arrays with differing element dimensions are not compatible for
Kontext:PL/pgSQL function "pgr_makedijkstramatrix" line 26 at assignment
PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN QUERY
PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY

HOW comes? I really don't know what to do.
May you be so kind and try to help again?

2014-02-21 9:36 GMT+01:00 Carsten Hogertz <carsten.hogertz at gmail.com>:

> 2014-02-20 23:25 GMT+01:00 Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com>:
> On 2/20/2014 4:59 PM, Carsten Hogertz wrote:
>>> 2014-02-20 22:47 GMT+01:00 Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com
>>> <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com>>:
>>>     On 2/20/2014 4:39 PM, Carsten Hogertz wrote:
>>>         2014-02-20 22:20 GMT+01:00 Stephen Woodbridge
>>>         <woodbri at swoodbridge.com <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com>
>>>         <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.__com
>>>         <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com>>>:
>>>              On 2/20/2014 3:54 PM, Carsten Hogertz wrote:
>>>                  Thanks Steve,
>>>                  coming home and adding your lines it returns with an
>>> error:
>>>                  NOTICE:  r2:
>>>                  (34304,"{0,5.3602868897 <tel:3602868897>
>>>         <tel:3602868897 <tel:3602868897>>,4.6782573327 <tel:6782573327>
>>>                  <tel:6782573327 <tel:6782573327>>,5.6026971537
>>>         <tel:6026971537> <tel:6026971537 <tel:6026971537>>,5.2062747797
>>>         <tel:2062747797>
>>>                  <tel:2062747797
>>>         <tel:2062747797>>,5.__0497181017,5.3147719797 <tel:3147719797>
>>>                   <tel:3147719797
>>>         <tel:3147719797>>,5.__0700916462,4.__3220066797,4.__8593618137
>>>         <tel:8593618137>
>>>                  <tel:8593618137
>>>         <tel:8593618137>>,4.0002255227,6.____055760592,12.5155379824
>>>         <tel:5155379824>
>>>                  <tel:5155379824
>>>         <tel:5155379824>>,9.__3170226155,8.__
>>> 72783427270001,5.__9460446587,__3.0868131677,5.__1839796057,
>>> 5.__2301666167,2.__1211198847,5.__7037465591
>>>         <tel:7037465591>
>>>                  <tel:7037465591
>>>         <tel:7037465591>>,2.__7282842677,8.4758437557 <tel:4758437557>
>>>                   <tel:4758437557
>>>         <tel:4758437557>>,11.__1027935904,7.__
>>> 9434273599,7.__8361619299,7.__7610621969,7.__4929139614,5.__8106133327
>>>         <tel:8106133327>
>>>                  <tel:8106133327
>>>         <tel:8106133327>>,5.__9579132527,5.__9888473034,6.__5618433959
>>>         <tel:5618433959>
>>>                  <tel:5618433959 <tel:5618433959>>,4.5013708887
>>>         <tel:5013708887>
>>>                  <tel:5013708887
>>>         <tel:5013708887>>,1.__9218516244,5.__7559805232,5.__2267081177
>>>         <tel:2267081177>
>>>                  <tel:2267081177
>>>         <tel:2267081177>>,5.0968196707,4.____8949133597,5.9137964962
>>>         <tel:9137964962>
>>>                  <tel:9137964962
>>>         <tel:9137964962>>,4.__2936059427,4.__6948533593,3.__4377318427
>>>         <tel:4377318427>
>>>                  <tel:4377318427
>>>         <tel:4377318427>>,3.7991617067,4.____
>>> 1242444467,3.8858731777,3.____9596393887,4.9192685996
>>>         <tel:9192685996>
>>>                  <tel:9192685996
>>>         <tel:9192685996>>,4.__6734033563,4.__
>>> 7511846457,4.__4544981945,4.__2748693367,3.__411559417,6.__
>>> 6851381985,6.__6744741285,6.__9296475385
>>>         <tel:9296475385>,7.__0136847108,7.__
>>> 1371500908,7.__2719520708,6.__6787720528
>>>         <tel:6787720528>,7.__3530295908,6.__8599596928
>>>         <tel:8599596928>,7.__2216891568,7.__4951304208,7.__4404728868
>>>         <tel:4404728868>,8.__1332243958,6.__
>>> 2736028029,6.__963685048,6.__0483763169,5.__8653351624
>>>         <tel:8653351624>,5.__6164044005
>>>         <tel:6164044005>,6.__54979166,5.__8783224469
>>>         <tel:8783224469>,6.__533468297,5.__8553434082
>>>         <tel:8553434082>,5.__7676662122,6.__267915357,5.__22607939
>>>         03,3.745459072,6.352470342,5.____4392033722,5.5562602522,5._
>>> ___3996670482,6.171297855,5.____648779598,5.5653279855,5.___
>>> _671668653,5.3243595462,5.____879320328,5.859442385
>>>         <tel:5.859442385>,6.____080574272,5.
>>> 3767159992,6.____170852717,5.3001119472,5.____687201287,5.
>>> 3573110752,3.____586385579,5.566591422,5.____5104826925,5.
>>> 916268775,5.____4418422465,5.4037394705,5.____640889612,5.
>>> 1407657702,4.____5523677017,5.3873769863,3.____601570449,2.
>>> 978252449,4.____8725960282,4.9817842222,5.____2355359365,5.
>>> 1227105795,5.____177856607,5.098596533,5.____1891181988,4.
>>> 9327118245,4.____4632330777,7.4879538737,4.____8591269625,3.
>>> 1339054377,5.____8472818275,4.6043306952,3.____3542942377,4.
>>> 7660145915,6.____6679095357,5.51150886,2.____7404344677,5.
>>> 9332075344,6.____2019594857,5.266709364,5.____4924174224,5.
>>> 180577724,3.____0277711677,6.2913260157,4.____2862670877,5.
>>> 5461328154,5.____5809644644,5.1132029296,5.____1904326724,4.8352505633
>>> ,4.____9641930171,5.1366240426,7.____0699378037,3.
>>> 1274712477,5.____1487646306,5.2717034197,5.____0200090866,3.
>>> 0911490977,5.____8984613527,5.1973381747,4.__
>>>     2427530627,6.7293864957,4.____7943011637,5.1130266607,5.____
>>> 3948779287,4.7124246547,5.2
>>>              186371577,2.9723417287 <tel:9723417287> <tel:9723417287
>>>         <tel:9723417287>>,2.3171875277,2.8159853427 <tel:8159853427>
>>>               <tel:8159853427
>>>         <tel:8159853427>>,__4.7913513947,4.7863347867 <tel:7863347867>
>>>               <tel:7863347867
>>>         <tel:7863347867>>,3.4531342837,__3.__
>>> 8161332287,5.8431115757,4.____4873126817,5.6577494097,5.____5867970832
>>> ,9.4583860946,2.____7784615917,5.4279953797,1.____9376872717
>>> ,5.0813930177,5.____8860618114,6.2411339874,6.____
>>> 4536904614,6.0972641874,5.____7247963284,5.9823452114,5.____8316140784
>>> ,5.2398164977,6.____2963392357,5.5864457124,6.____
>>> 1599995178,5.2609646384,6.____1012355027,6.4129483756,6.____
>>> 0056487896,5.0106569884,5.____4239402364,6.1148656496,2.____
>>> 673828844,4.3332873457,3.____2943586634,4.5834393467,7.____
>>> 278601561,3.5870893269,3.____3299191554,4.1049776549,5.____
>>> 9256568037,6.2719334873,6.____2594329923,5.5752581689,5.____
>>> 6058592867,6.1311384893,6.____4726413519,5.8973941434,6.____
>>> 2572672069,5.9667442136,5.____3965422637,7.2837623985,6.____
>>> 9586195092,7.1137641952,6.____3682104908,7.8495628418,7.____
>>> 2245886958,6.2983788278,7.____3509762248,6.9925366658,6.____
>>> 5600944468,6.936328733,6.____616665943,6.738732443}")
>>>                  CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at
>>>         RETURN QUERY
>>>                  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN
>>>         QUERY
>>>                  NOTICE:  r2.id1: 34304
>>>                  CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at
>>>         RETURN QUERY
>>>                  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN
>>>         QUERY
>>>                  NOTICE:  ids: <NULL>
>>>                  CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at
>>>         RETURN QUERY
>>>                  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN
>>>         QUERY
>>>                  ERROR:  cannot concatenate incompatible arrays
>>>                  DETAIL:  Arrays with differing element dimensions are
>>> not
>>>                  compatible for
>>>                  concatenation.
>>>                  CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_makedijkstramatrix"
>>>         line 25 at
>>>                  assignment
>>>                  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN
>>>                  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN
>>>         QUERY
>>>                  I tried to write to Dose but he didn't reply yet.
>>>                  Does anyone have a clue?
>>>              Try adding the follow line after the "begin" line:
>>>                  ids := '{}'::integer[];
>>>              This should make sure the ids is initialized as an empty
>>>         array of
>>>              integers.
>>>              -Steve
>>>         Again:
>>>         NOTICE:  r2:
>>>         (34304,"{0,5.3602868897 <tel:3602868897>,4.6782573327
>>>         <tel:6782573327>,5.6026971537 <tel:6026971537>,5.2062747797
>>>          <tel:2062747797>,5.__0497181017,5.3147719797,5.__
>>> 0700916462,4.3220066797,4.__8593618137,4.0002255227,6.__055760592,12.
>>> 5155379824,9.__3170226155,8.72783427270001,5.__9460446587,
>>> 3.0868131677,5.__1839796057,5.2301666167,2.__1211198847,5.
>>> 7037465591,2.__7282842677,8.4758437557,11.__1027935904,7.
>>> 9434273599,7.__8361619299,7.7610621969,7.__4929139614,5.
>>> 8106133327,5.__9579132527,5.9888473034,6.__5618433959,4.
>>> 5013708887,1.__9218516244,5.7559805232,5.__2267081177,5.
>>> 0968196707,4.__8949133597,5.9137964962,4.__2936059427,4.
>>> 6948533593,3.__4377318427,3.7991617067,4.__1242444467,3.
>>> 8858731777,3.__9596393887,4.9192685996,4.__6734033563,4.
>>> 7511846457,4.__4544981945,4.2748693367,3.__411559417,6.
>>> 6851381985,6.__6744741285,6.9296475385,7.__0136847108,7.
>>> 1371500908,7.__2719520708,6.6787720528,7.__3530295908,6.
>>> 8599596928,7.__2216891568,7.4951304208,7.__4404728868,8.
>>> 1332243958,6.__2736028029,6.963685048,6.__0483763169,5.
>>> 8653351624,5.__6164044005,6.54979166,5.__8783224469,6.
>>> 533468297,5.__8553434082,5.7
>> 676662122,6.__267915357,5.22607939
>>>     03,3.745459072,6.352470342,5.__4392033722,5.5562602522,5.__
>>> 3996670482,6.171297855,5.__648779598,5.5653279855,5.__
>>> 671668653,5.3243595462,5.__879320328,5.859442385,6.__
>>> 080574272,5.3767159992,6.__170852717,5.3001119472,5.__
>>> 687201287,5.3573110752,3.__586385579,5.566591422,5.__
>>> 5104826925,5.916268775,5.__4418422465,5.4037394705,5.__
>>> 640889612,5.1407657702,4.__5523677017,5.3873769863,3.__
>>> 601570449,2.978252449,4.__8725960282,4.9817842222,5.__
>>> 2355359365,5.1227105795,5.__177856607,5.098596533,5.__
>>> 1891181988,4.9327118245,4.__4632330777,7.4879538737,4.__
>>> 8591269625,3.1339054377,5.__8472818275,4.6043306952,3.__
>>> 3542942377,4.7660145915,6.__6679095357,5.51150886,2.__
>>> 7404344677,5.9332075344,6.__2019594857,5.266709364,5.__
>>> 4924174224,5.180577724,3.__0277711677,6.2913260157,4.__
>>> 2862670877,5.5461328154,5.__5809644644,5.1132029296,5.__
>>> 1904326724,4.8352505633,4.__9641930171,5.1366240426,7.__
>>> 0699378037,3.1274712477,5.__1487646306,5.2717034197,5.__
>>> 0200090866,3.0911490977,5.__8984613527,5.1973381747,4.__
>> 2427530627,6.7293864957,4.__7943011637,5.1130266607,5.__
>> 3948779287,4.7124246547,5.2
>>>     186371577,2.9723417287 <tel:9723417287>,2.3171875277,2.8159853427
>>>     <tel:8159853427>,__4.7913513947,4.7863347867
>>>     <tel:7863347867>,3.4531342837,__3.8161332287,5.8431115757,4.__
>>> 4873126817,5.6577494097,5.__5867970832,9.4583860946,2.__
>>> 7784615917,5.4279953797,1.__9376872717,5.0813930177,5.__
>>> 8860618114,6.2411339874,6.__4536904614,6.0972641874,5.__
>>> 7247963284,5.9823452114,5.__8316140784,5.2398164977,6.__
>>> 2963392357,5.5864457124,6.__1599995178,5.2609646384,6.__
>>> 1012355027,6.4129483756,6.__0056487896,5.0106569884,5.__
>>> 4239402364,6.1148656496,2.__673828844,4.3332873457,3.__
>>> 2943586634,4.5834393467,7.__278601561,3.5870893269,3.__
>>> 3299191554,4.1049776549,5.__9256568037,6.2719334873,6.__
>>> 2594329923,5.5752581689,5.__6058592867,6.1311384893,6.__
>>> 4726413519,5.8973941434,6.__2572672069,5.9667442136,5.__
>>> 3965422637,7.2837623985,6.__9586195092,7.1137641952,6.__
>>> 3682104908,7.8495628418,7.__2245886958,6.2983788278,7.__
>>> 3509762248,6.9925366658,6.__5600944468,6.936328733,6.__
>>> 616665943,6.738732443}")
>>>         CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN
>>>         PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY
>>>         NOTICE:  r2.id1: 34304
>>>         CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN
>>>         PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY
>>>         NOTICE:  ids: {}
>>>         CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN
>>>         PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY
>>>         ERROR:  cannot concatenate incompatible arrays
>>>         DETAIL:  Arrays with differing element dimensions are not
>>>         compatible for
>>>         concatenation.
>>>         CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_makedijkstramatrix" line 26 at
>>>         assignment
>>>         PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN QUERY
>>>         PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY
>>>         Thanks for your help. Maybe you need some other facts about my
>>>         table?
>>>         The whole script I am excecuting is the following. I changed some
>>>         things, like adding your code and changing the table name 'ways'
>>> to
>>>         'cgn_2po_4pgr':
>>>         create or replace function pgr_makeDijkstraMatrix(thetbl text,
>>> sqlP
>>>         text, OUT dmatrix double precision[], OUT ids integer[])
>>>             as
>>>         $body$
>>>         declare
>>>               sql text;
>>>               sql2 text;
>>>               r record;
>>>               r2 record;
>>>               i integer;
>>>               j integer;
>>>               matrixl double precision[];
>>>         begin
>>>              ids := '{}'::integer[];
>>>               sql:='select node, id-1 as id from '||thetbl;
>>>               for r in execute sql loop
>>>                       sql2:='select id1, array_agg(cost) as arow from (
>>>                     SELECT id1, id2, cost
>>>                     FROM pgr_kdijkstraCost('''||sqlP||'__'', '||r.node||
>>>                         ', (select array_agg(node) from '||thetbl||'
>>> where
>>>         id>'||r.id <http://r.id> <http://r.id>||'), false, false)
>>>                    ) as foo group by id1 order by id1';
>>>                   for r2 in execute sql2 loop
>>>                   matrixl := '{}';
>>>                   for i in 1..r.id <http://r.id> <http://r.id> loop
>>>                             matrixl := array_append(matrixl,
>>>         dmatrix[i][r.id <http://r.id>
>>>         <http://r.id>+1]);
>>>                           end loop;
>>>                           matrixl := array_cat(matrixl, r2.arow);
>>>                       dmatrix := array_cat(dmatrix, array[matrixl]);
>>>                       raise notice 'r2: %', r2;
>>>         raise notice 'r2.id1: %', r2.id1;
>>>         raise notice 'ids: %', ids;
>>>     Sorry, I don't have a running version of this so this is somewhat
>>>     guess work.
>>>                   --  ids := ids || r2.id1;
>>>                     ids := array_cat(ids, r2.id1);
>> try changing the line above to:
>>                       ids := array_cat(ids, array[r2.id1]);
> Hi Steve, thank you. Back in office now but I'll try that later at home.
> I'll let you know and hopefully I get a good result :)
> Thanks so much.
> Carsten
>>>     So comment out the old like and rewrite like this.
>>>     -Steve
>>> Thanks for all your help Steve,
>>> hope, we're getting closer! Look, not it returns this:
>>> NOTICE:  r2:
>>> (34304,"{0,5.3602868897,4.6782573327,5.6026971537,5.2062747797,5.
>>> 0497181017,5.3147719797,5.0700916462,4.3220066797,4.
>>> 8593618137,4.0002255227,6.055760592,12.5155379824,9.
>>> 3170226155,8.72783427270001,5.9460446587,3.0868131677,5.
>>> 1839796057,5.2301666167,2.1211198847,5.7037465591,2.
>>> 7282842677,8.4758437557,11.1027935904,7.9434273599,7.
>>> 8361619299,7.7610621969,7.4929139614,5.8106133327,5.
>>> 9579132527,5.9888473034,6.5618433959,4.5013708887,1.
>>> 9218516244,5.7559805232,5.2267081177,5.0968196707,4.
>>> 8949133597,5.9137964962,4.2936059427,4.6948533593,3.
>>> 4377318427,3.7991617067,4.1242444467,3.8858731777,3.
>>> 9596393887,4.9192685996,4.6734033563,4.7511846457,4.
>>> 4544981945,4.2748693367,3.411559417,6.6851381985,6.
>>> 6744741285,6.9296475385,7.0136847108,7.1371500908,7.
>>> 2719520708,6.6787720528,7.3530295908,6.8599596928,7.
>>> 2216891568,7.4951304208,7.4404728868,8.1332243958,6.
>>> 2736028029,6.963685048,6.0483763169,5.8653351624,5.
>>> 6164044005,6.54979166,5.8783224469,6.533468297,5.
>>> 8553434082,5.7676662122,6.267915357,5.22607939
>> 03,3.745459072,6.352470342,5.4392033722,5.5562602522,5.
>> 3996670482,6.171297855,5.648779598,5.5653279855,5.
>> 671668653,5.3243595462,5.879320328,5.859442385,6.
>> 080574272,5.3767159992,6.170852717,5.3001119472,5.
>> 687201287,5.3573110752,3.586385579,5.566591422,5.
>> 5104826925,5.916268775,5.4418422465,5.4037394705,5.
>> 640889612,5.1407657702,4.5523677017,5.3873769863,3.
>> 601570449,2.978252449,4.8725960282,4.9817842222,5.
>> 2355359365,5.1227105795,5.177856607,5.098596533,5.
>> 1891181988,4.9327118245,4.4632330777,7.4879538737,4.
>> 8591269625,3.1339054377,5.8472818275,4.6043306952,3.
>> 3542942377,4.7660145915,6.6679095357,5.51150886,2.
>> 7404344677,5.9332075344,6.2019594857,5.266709364,5.
>> 4924174224,5.180577724,3.0277711677,6.2913260157,4.
>> 2862670877,5.5461328154,5.5809644644,5.1132029296,5.
>> 1904326724,4.8352505633,4.9641930171,5.1366240426,7.
>> 0699378037,3.1274712477,5.1487646306,5.2717034197,5.
>> 0200090866,3.0911490977,5.8984613527,5.1973381747,4.
>> 2427530627,6.7293864957,4.7943011637,5.1130266607,5.
>> 3948779287,4.7124246547,5.2
>> 186371577,2.9723417287,2.3171875277,2.8159853427,4.7913513947,4.
>> 7863347867,3.4531342837,3.8161332287,5.8431115757,4.
>> 4873126817,5.6577494097,5.5867970832,9.4583860946,2.
>> 7784615917,5.4279953797,1.9376872717,5.0813930177,5.
>> 8860618114,6.2411339874,6.4536904614,6.0972641874,5.
>> 7247963284,5.9823452114,5.8316140784,5.2398164977,6.
>> 2963392357,5.5864457124,6.1599995178,5.2609646384,6.
>> 1012355027,6.4129483756,6.0056487896,5.0106569884,5.
>> 4239402364,6.1148656496,2.673828844,4.3332873457,3.
>> 2943586634,4.5834393467,7.278601561,3.5870893269,3.
>> 3299191554,4.1049776549,5.9256568037,6.2719334873,6.
>> 2594329923,5.5752581689,5.6058592867,6.1311384893,6.
>> 4726413519,5.8973941434,6.2572672069,5.9667442136,5.
>> 3965422637,7.2837623985,6.9586195092,7.1137641952,6.
>> 3682104908,7.8495628418,7.2245886958,6.2983788278,7.
>> 3509762248,6.9925366658,6.5600944468,6.936328733,6.
>> 616665943,6.738732443}")
>>> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN QUERY
>>> PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY
>>> NOTICE:  r2.id1: 34304
>>> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN QUERY
>>> PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY
>>> NOTICE:  ids: {}
>>> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN QUERY
>>> PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY
>>> ERROR:  function array_cat(integer[], integer) does not exist
>>> LINE 1: SELECT array_cat(ids, r2.id1)
>>>                 ^
>>> HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might
>>> need to add explicit type casts.
>>> QUERY:  SELECT array_cat(ids, r2.id1)
>>> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "pgr_makedijkstramatrix" line 31 at
>>> assignment
>>> PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN QUERY
>>> PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY
>>> ********** Fehler **********
>>> ERROR: function array_cat(integer[], integer) does not exist
>>> SQL Status:42883
>>> Hinweis:No function matches the given name and argument types. You might
>>> need to add explicit type casts.
>>> Kontext:PL/pgSQL function "pgr_makedijkstramatrix" line 31 at assignment
>>> PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstra" line 8 at RETURN QUERY
>>> PL/pgSQL function "pgr_tspdijkstralen" line 3 at RETURN QUERY
>>> Function does not exist? Still have an idea?
>>> Thanks
>>> Carsten
>>>                   end loop;
>>>               end loop;
>>>         end;
>>>         $body$
>>>         language plpgsql stable cost 10;
>>>         create or replace function pgr_tspDijkstra(thetbl text, sql text,
>>>         start_id integer, end_id integer default (-1))
>>>               returns setof pgr_costResult as
>>>         $body$
>>>         declare
>>>               sid integer;
>>>               eid integer;
>>>         begin
>>>               return query with dm  as (
>>>                   select * from pgr_makeDijkstraMatrix( thetbl, sql )
>>>               ),
>>>               ids as (
>>>                   select (row_number() over (order by id asc))-1 as
>>> rnum, id
>>>                     from (
>>>                           select unnest(ids) as id
>>>                             from dm
>>>                           ) foo
>>>               ),
>>>               t as (
>>>                   select a.seq, b.rnum, b.id <http://b.id> <http://b.id>
>>>                     from pgr_tsp(
>>>                              (select dmatrix from dm),
>>>                              (select rnum from ids where id=start_id
>>> limit
>>>         1)::integer,
>>>                              (case when end_id = -1 then -1 else (select
>>>         rnum
>>>         from ids where id=end_id limit 1) end)::integer
>>>                          ) a,
>>>                          ids b
>>>                    where a.id <http://a.id> <http://a.id>=b.rnum
>>>               ),
>>>               r as (
>>>                   select array_agg(t.rnum) as rnum from t
>>>               )
>>>               select t.seq::integer,
>>>                      t.rnum::integer as id1,
>>>                      t.id::integer as id2,
>>>         dm.dmatrix[r.rnum[t.seq+1]+1][__r.rnum[(t.seq+1)%array_
>>> length(__r.rnum,
>>>         1)+1]+1]::float8 as cost
>>>                 from t, dm, r;
>>>         end;
>>>         $body$
>>>         language plpgsql volatile cost 50 rows 50;
>>>         create or replace function pgr_tspDijkstraLen(thetbl text,
>>> start_id
>>>         integer, end_id integer default (-1))
>>>               returns setof pgr_costResult as
>>>         $body$
>>>         begin
>>>                return query SELECT * FROM pgr_tspDijkstra(thetbl,
>>>                     'SELECT  id, source::integer, target::integer,
>>>         length::double
>>>         precision AS cost FROM cgn_2po_4pgr',
>>>                      start_id, end_id);
>>>         end;
>>>         $body$
>>>         language plpgsql stable;
>>>         Maybe you've got another idea?
>>>         Thank you
>>>         Carsten
>>>                  Thanks for you help
>>>                  Carsten
>>>                  2014-02-20 16:24 GMT+01:00 Stephen Woodbridge
>>>                  <woodbri at swoodbridge.com
>>>         <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com>
>>>         <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.__com <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.
>>> com>>
>>>                   <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.
>>>         <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.>____com
>>>                  <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.__com
>>>         <mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com>>>>:
>>>                       On 2/20/2014 9:41 AM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>>                           Hi Carsten,
>>>                           The functions at
>>>         http://dose.0wnz.at/scripts/______sql/pgroute_tspDijkstra.sql
>>>         <http://dose.0wnz.at/scripts/____sql/pgroute_tspDijkstra.sql>
>>>         <http://dose.0wnz.at/scripts/____sql/pgroute_tspDijkstra.sql
>>>         <http://dose.0wnz.at/scripts/__sql/pgroute_tspDijkstra.sql>>
>>>         <http://dose.0wnz.at/scripts/____sql/pgroute_tspDijkstra.sql
>>>         <http://dose.0wnz.at/scripts/__sql/pgroute_tspDijkstra.sql>
>>>         <http://dose.0wnz.at/scripts/__sql/pgroute_tspDijkstra.sql
>>>         <http://dose.0wnz.at/scripts/sql/pgroute_tspDijkstra.sql>>>
>>>                           are not part of pgRouting.
>>>                           You need to ask this question to Ivan the
>>>         author of the
>>>                  original
>>>                           article.
>>>                       Sorry, Dose was the original author.
>>>                           You probably need to add some debug statements
>>>         to get a
>>>                  better
>>>                           understanding of what the code is doing. For
>>>         example in
>>>                           pgr_makeDijkstraMatrix before the statement:
>>>                           ids := ids || array[r2.id1];
>>>                       You could try changing this line to:
>>>                       ids := ids || r2.id1;
>>>                       and see if that fixes the problem.
>>>                       -Steve
>>>                           Add:
>>>                           raise notice 'r2: %', r2;
>>>                           raise notice 'r2.id1: %', r2.id1;
>>>                           raise notice 'ids: %', ids;
>>>                           This should show you the progression of how
>>>         the array
>>>                  ids is getting
>>>                           built as it appears to be compaining about
>>>         that in the
>>>                  error
>>>                           message.
>>>                           Hope this helps,
>>>                               -Steve
>>>                           On 2/20/2014 9:21 AM, Carsten Hogertz wrote:
>>>                               Hi everybody, I am new to this list and
>>> new to
>>>                  pgrouting.
>>>                               I found the following TSP example
>>>         http://hardwarefetish.com/513-______pgrouting-dijksta-____
>>> travelling-__salesman-problem-____tsp-with-__openstreetmap
>>>         <http://hardwarefetish.com/513-____pgrouting-dijksta-__
>>> travelling-__salesman-problem-__tsp-with-__openstreetmap>
>>>         <http://hardwarefetish.com/__513-__pgrouting-dijksta-__
>>> travelling-__salesman-problem-__tsp-with-__openstreetmap
>>>         <http://hardwarefetish.com/513-__pgrouting-dijksta-
>>> travelling-__salesman-problem-tsp-with-__openstreetmap>>
>>>         <http://hardwarefetish.com/____513-pgrouting-dijksta-____
>>> travelling-salesman-problem-____tsp-with-openstreetmap
>>>         <http://hardwarefetish.com/__513-pgrouting-dijksta-__
>>> travelling-salesman-problem-__tsp-with-openstreetmap>
>>>         <http://hardwarefetish.com/__513-pgrouting-dijksta-__
>>> travelling-salesman-problem-__tsp-with-openstreetmap
>>>         <http://hardwarefetish.com/513-pgrouting-dijksta-
>>> travelling-salesman-problem-tsp-with-openstreetmap>>>
>>>                               and tried to reproduce the solution.
>>>                               Unfortunately I always get an error
>>> message.
>>>                               My DB is complaining about one of your
>>>         functions.
>>>                               I got my routing table from osm2po. The
>>>         table has
>>>                  the following
>>>                               structure:
>>>                               1;”id”;”integer”
>>>                               2;”osm_id”;”bigint”
>>>                               3;”osm_name”;”character varying”
>>>                               4;”osm_meta”;”character varying”
>>>                               5;”osm_source_id”;”bigint”
>>>                               6;”osm_target_id”;”bigint”;
>>>                               7;”clazz”;”integer”
>>>                               8;”flags”;”integer”
>>>                               9;”source”;”integer”
>>>                               10;”target”;”integer”
>>>                               11;”length”;”double precision”
>>>                               12;”kmh”;”integer”
>>>                               13;”cost”;”double precision”
>>>                               14;”reverse_cost”;”double precision”
>>>                               15;”x1″;”double precision”
>>>                               16;”y1″;”double precision”
>>>                               17;”x2″;”double precision”
>>>                               18;”y2″;”double precision”
>>>           19;”geom_way”;”geometry(______LineString,4326)”
>>>                               - I installed the functions as mentioned
>>>         via SQL
>>>                  window in
>>>                               pgAdmin3
>>>                               (copy&paste then excecute)
>>>                               - I create and populate the my_route table
>>>                               - When it comes to step 5 and I try
>>>                               select id,lon,lat from
>>>                  pgr_tspDijkstraLen(’my_route’, 1260
>>>                               ) dj, my_route rt where dj.id2=rt.node;
>>>                               my DB warns
>>>                               ERROR: cannot concatenate incompatible
>>> arrays
>>>                               DETAIL: Arrays with differing element
>>>         dimensions
>>>                  are not
>>>                               compatible for
>>>                               concatenation.
>>>                               CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function
>>>         “pgr_makedijkstramatrix”
>>>                  line 25 at
>>>                               assignment PL/pgSQL function
>>>         “pgr_tspdijkstra” line
>>>                  8 at
>>>                               RETURN QUERY
>>>                               PL/pgSQL function “pgr_tspdijkstralen”
>>>         line 3 at
>>>                  RETURN QUERY
>>>                               ********** Fehler **********
>>>                               ERROR: cannot concatenate incompatible
>>>         arrays SQL
>>>                  Status:2202E
>>>                               Detail:Arrays with differing element
>>>         dimensions are not
>>>                               compatible for
>>>                               concatenation.
>>>                               Kontext:PL/pgSQL function
>>>         “pgr_makedijkstramatrix”
>>>                  line 25
>>>                               at assignment
>>>                               PL/pgSQL function “pgr_tspdijkstra” line 8
>>> at
>>>                  RETURN QUERY
>>>                               PL/pgSQL function “pgr_tspdijkstralen”
>>>         line 3 at
>>>                  RETURN QUERY
>>>                               Do you have any idea what went wrong? I
>>> really
>>>                  really need your
>>>                               solutionget working. I would appreciate a
>>> lot.
>>>                               Thanks for your help.
>>>                               PS: this text is a copy of what I wrote on
>>>         on the
>>>                  comment
>>>                               site of the
>>>                               blog where I found the solution.
>>>                               BR
>>>                               Carsten
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