[pgrouting-users] Could not load library librouting.dll error

dave.potts at pinan.co.uk dave.potts at pinan.co.uk
Mon Aug 10 08:15:57 PDT 2015

How did you restart the database ?

The way that windows works means that an changed envronmential variable is
only available after its been changed.

So a new dos window will the changed value.

If your running your database as a service, it will not see the changed
envronmential variable util its restarted.  Perhaps you need to changed
the value then do a reboot?

> Thanks for the reply, Dave
> I've tried with the PATH set to both:
> Path=C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32
> \WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;D:\Php;D:\Php\ext;D:\PostgreSQL\9.2\bin;D:\PostgreSQL\9.2\lib
> And:
> Path=C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32
> \WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;D:\Php;D:\Php\ext
> I wonder if it is something to do with the way PostgreSQL, PostGIS and
> PgRouting are compiled?  Looking at
> http://winnie.postgis.net/download/windows/pg92/buildbot/ there are
> versions compiled with GCC4.8 and others with something else.  I've tried
> all the 64bit binary versions there with no luck.
> Ross
> -----Original Message-----
> From: pgrouting-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
> [mailto:pgrouting-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of
> dave.potts at pinan.co.uk
> Sent: 10 August 2015 15:28
> To: pgRouting users mailing list
> Subject: Re: [pgrouting-users] Could not load library librouting.dll error
> Hi
> What is the environmental variable path set to ?
> You can get its value by opening a dos window and typing set
> This variable lists the folders that an application will search through to
> find library files.
> You can change its value by selecting control panel-->Adminstrative
> Tools-> Right click on computer  select properties-> select advanced
> system settings and the envrionment variable button is on the lower right
> hand side
> The value should be a list off folders to search seperated by a ;
> character.
> Dave
> #> Hello list,
>> I am running 64bit PostgreSQL 9.2.13 with PostGIS 2.1.7 on Windows
>> Server
>> 2008 R2.  I have pgRouting installed (2.0.0 build 40, hash 567ac3b,
>> boost
>> 1.46.1)
>> I am getting an error when trying to use pgRouting.
>> [ERROR: could not load library "D:/PostgreSQL/9.2/lib/librouting.dll":
>> The specified procedure could not be found.
>> SQL state: 58P01]
>> SQL state error 58P01 is UNDEFINED FILE.
>> Using dependency walker it tells me that librouting.dll cannot find
>> libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll and libstdc++-6.dll and postgres.exe.  These files
>> all exist in the \bin folder of my PostgreSQL install.  The PgRouting
>> files are all installed in the \lib folder.
>> I get the error when using both the PgAdmin SQL pane and the pgRouting
>> Layer plugin in QGIS.
>> Any pointers or suggestions appreciated.
>> Thanks
>> Ross
>> Ross McDonald | GIS Data Coordinator | Resources Department, IT
>> Division | Angus Council, Angus House, Orchardbank Business Park,
>> Forfar, DD8 1AT
>> T: 01307 476419 | F: 01307 476401 | E:
>> mcdonaldr at angus.gov.uk<mailto:mcdonaldr at angus.gov.uk>
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