[pgrouting-users] Pgrouting-users Digest, Vol 85, Issue 1
Bistrais, Bob
Bob.Bistrais at maine.gov
Tue Oct 6 13:02:27 PDT 2015
Yes, it is multilinestring
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Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 3:00 PM
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Subject: Pgrouting-users Digest, Vol 85, Issue 1
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Today's Topics:
1. Error message- isring() should only be called on a LINE
(Bistrais, Bob)
2. Re: Error message- isring() should only be called on a LINE
(Daniel Kastl)
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2015 21:07:27 +0000
From: "Bistrais, Bob" <Bob.Bistrais at maine.gov>
To: "pgrouting-users at lists.osgeo.org"
<pgrouting-users at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: [pgrouting-users] Error message- isring() should only be
called on a LINE
<D655A37D8BC306438F87579A672E3D107AEF4889 at OIT-TEAQEXMBX01.som.w2k.state.me.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I am trying to build a statewide road network for analysis with pgRouting. I ran pgr_createTopology, and it reported OK.
Next I tried to run pgr_analyzeGraph, and got an error.
Here is the command I input:
SELECT pgr_analyzeGraph('ng_roads',0.0001,the_geom:='geom',id:='gid',source:='sourceroute',target:='targetroute');
And here is the error message:
NOTICE: Analyzing for ring geometries. Please wait...
ERROR: isring() should only be called on a LINE
CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT count(*) FROM public.ng_roads
WHERE true AND (true) and st_isRing(st_linemerge(geom))"
PL/pgSQL function pgr_analyzegraph(text,double precision,text,text,text,text,text) line 309 at EXECUTE statement
-What should I do about this? Can I still perform pgRouting analysis with these roads?
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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2015 06:30:32 +0900
From: Daniel Kastl <daniel at georepublic.de>
To: pgrouting-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [pgrouting-users] Error message- isring() should only be
called on a LINE
Message-ID: <5612EBF8.208 at georepublic.de>
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Hash: SHA256
Hi Bob,
The error complains, that "st_isRing(st_linemerge(geom))" should be called on LINESTRING geometries only.
What is your geometry type of your "geom" column?
Best regards,
On 06/10/15 06:07, Bistrais, Bob wrote:
> I am trying to build a statewide road network for analysis with
> pgRouting. I ran pgr_createTopology, and it reported OK.
> Next I tried to run pgr_analyzeGraph, and got an error.
> Here is the command I input:
> pgr_analyzeGraph('ng_roads',0.0001,the_geom:='geom',id:='gid',source:=
> And here is the error message:
> NOTICE: Analyzing for ring geometries. Please wait...
> ERROR: isring() should only be called on a LINE
> CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT count(*) FROM public.ng_roads
> WHERE true AND (true) and st_isRing(st_linemerge(geom))"
> PL/pgSQL function pgr_analyzegraph(text,double
> precision,text,text,text,text,text) line 309 at EXECUTE statement
> -What should I do about this? Can I still perform pgRouting analysis
> with these roads?
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