[pgrouting-users] alphashape with less than 3 points crashing server process
Vicky Vergara
vicky at georepublic.de
Fri Apr 15 08:27:56 PDT 2016
Hello Ross:
I wonder if you can post this issue in (while I start working on it)
please also post the node table data sample that makes it crash.
So that we can be able to reproduce the problem.
I must say, that version 2.2 is to be announced this weekend so it will not
be fixed in 2.2.0
But I'll see what I can do for a v2.2.1 patch.
On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 9:03 AM, McDonaldR <McDonaldR at angus.gov.uk> wrote:
> Hello
> I’ve got some SQL wrapped up in a function to calculate alphashapes for
> multiple input points. The input points have all been assigned a
> “nearest_node” id and this is used in the SQL. The problem is where I have
> one point at the end of a long road and when I try to calculate an
> alphashape with a value that does not return 3 points to make a polygon it
> crashes the server process. In PgAdmin I see the log has the following:
> 2016-04-15 14:40:15 BST LOG server process (PID 5044) was terminated by
> exception 0xC0000005
> 2016-04-15 14:40:15 BST LOG terminating any other active server
> processes
> 2016-04-15 14:40:15 BST WARNING terminating connection because of crash
> of another server process
> So, I guess my question is, is there any way I can get my function to fail
> gracefully when I hit this exception and stop my connection terminating and
> the process crashing?
> Postgres 9.2.15 64bit
> PostGIS 2.2.1
> pgRouting 2.1.0
> Windows Server 2008 r2
> My SQL (could probably be done better)
> SELECT id,
> ST_X(geometry) AS x,
> ST_Y(geometry) AS y,
> geometry
> FROM (
> SELECT source AS id,
> ST_Startpoint(geometry) AS geometry
> FROM itn_network
> SELECT target AS id,
> ST_Startpoint(geometry) AS geometry
> FROM itn_network
> ) AS node;
> SELECT ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePolygon(ST_AddPoint(foo.openline,
> ST_StartPoint(foo.openline))),27700) AS geometry
> FROM (
> SELECT ST_Makeline(points ORDER BY id) AS openline
> FROM (
> SELECT row_number() over() AS id, ST_MakePoint(x, y) AS
> points
> FROM pgr_alphashape('
> FROM node
> (SELECT * FROM pgr_drivingDistance(''
> SELECT gid AS id,
> source::int4 AS source,
> target::int4 AS target,
> cost_time::float8 AS cost,
> rcost_time::float8 AS reverse_cost
> FROM itn_network'',
> 35819, --for this node
> 700, --this fails when I set it to 600
> true,
> true)) AS dd ON node.id = dd.id1'::text)
> ) AS a
> ) AS foo;
> Thanks
> Ross
> *Ross McDonald *| GIS Data Coordinator | Resources Department, IT
> Division | Angus Council, Angus House, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar,
> DD8 1AT
> T: *01307 476419* | F: 01307 476401 | E: mcdonaldr at angus.gov.uk
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Vicky Vergara
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