[pgrouting-users] best/fastest way to calculate thousands of trsp routes
McDonaldR at angus.gov.uk
Mon Apr 24 02:00:10 PDT 2017
Hi Vicky
I have plans to move to the latest pgRouting. We are busy planning our upgrade from PostgreSQL 9.2 to 9.6 which will then let us upgrade all our extensions to the latest and greatest. We’re running everything in a Windows Server environment so I have to rely on prebuilt x64 binaries for them all.
I follow all the pgRouting updates and really appreciate all the work you put into it. Certainly, all my customers appreciate the results that are produced and come back for more.
Thanks again
From: Pgrouting-users [mailto:pgrouting-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Vicky Vergara
Sent: 20 April 2017 17:39
To: pgRouting users mailing list
Subject: Re: [pgrouting-users] best/fastest way to calculate thousands of trsp routes
Hello Ross
I want to encourage you to use the latest version of pgRouting:
Here starts the compilation on 2.1
Here starts the compilation of the latest 2.4
I must say that in particular pgr_TRSP still has compilation problems (besides other issues) but thanks to some pull requests done by the community, in the 2.4 version it no longer crashes the server.
A lot of work has being done rewriting the functions: removing the warnings in linux, that are errors in other systems, and fixing other per function related issues.
In 2.4 version some of the pgr_TRSP function related issues has being hidden by using wrappers to other functions that don't have turn restrictions. (mainly because the turn restriction query is optional), but I see that you are going to use restrictions, so you will still be using the original code.
I made a comparison of using the original code (the one in version 2.1) and using the wrapped pgr_TRSP, I must say this time I didn't review my comments so maybe they are outdated, but is automatically generated, so the results are the current results:
That file uses the sample data:
Instructions to get the latest version:
On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 10:49 AM, Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com<mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com>> wrote:
On 4/20/2017 6:49 AM, McDonaldR wrote:
Hi List,
I’m running pgRouting 2.1 with PostGIS 2.2.2 on PostgreSQL 9.2.20.
I have 16,000 pupils going to 57 schools. I have a network with turn restrictions. I have a function (below) that loops through all the pupils and calculates a TRSP route and updates the pupil table with the route cost. I have some questions too.
1.It’s going to take ~ 2 hours to process all the pupils. Will it make things faster if I created, say, 4 functions that each processed a different set of pupils? I have a multicore server and memory to spare. I have to run this for time and distance and also for all the pupils assigned an “optimally located” school. What’s the best/fastest way to do this?
Yes, this sounds reasonable.
2.I pre-processed the pupil data to assign each pupil the nearest node on the network. Some pupils in rural areas are a mile from the nearest node and are assigned the node at the end furthest from the school. How would I use the pgr_trsp with edges and edge position to create a position for each pupil at a point on the nearest edge?
Here is a function that might be useful, or you might modify it for your specific needs. tol is maximum search distance in degrees, you can estimate this degrees = meters/111120.0. It returns the edge_id, pos on the that edge and these can be used to args to trsp.
-Steve W
create or replace function pointToEdgePos(edge_table text, lon float8, lat float8, tol float8, OUT edge_id integer, OUT pos float8)
returns record as
-- * edge_table as columns "gid" and "geom"
-- * edge_able.geom uses srid=4326
rr record;
pct float8;
pnt geometry;
geom geometry;
-- create a point from lon, lat
pnt := st_setsrid(st_makepoint(lon,lat), 4326);
-- set the error condition
edge_id := null;
pos := -1.0;
-- find the closest edge within tol distance
execute 'select * from ' || _pgr_quote_ident(edge_table) ||
' where st_dwithin(''' || pnt::text ||
'''::geometry, geom, ' || tol || ') order by st_distance(''' || pnt::text || '''::geometry, geom) asc limit 1' into rr;
if rr.geom is not null then
geom := rr.geom;
if geometrytype(geom)='MULTILINESTRING' THEN
geom := ST_GeometryN(geom, 1);
end if;
-- project the point onto the linestring
pos := st_line_locate_point(geom, pnt);
edge_id := rr.gid;
end if;
language plpgsql stable;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.pupil_journeys()
RETURNS character varying AS
cur_pupil refcursor;
v_pid integer;
v_pnn integer;
v_snn integer;
v_cost double precision;
v_sql varchar(1000);
RAISE NOTICE 'Processing pupil journeys...';
OPEN cur_pupil FOR EXECUTE format('SELECT pupilid, pupil_nn, school_nn FROM edn_pupilschoolroute WHERE pupil_NN IS NOT NULL');
FETCH cur_pupil INTO v_pid, v_pnn, v_snn;
SELECT SUM(cost) AS v_cost FROM pgr_trsp('
SELECT ogc_fid AS id,
cost_len::double precision AS cost,
rcost_len::double precision AS reverse_cost
FROM hw_roadlink'::text,
v_pnn, --pupil_nn gets inserted here
v_snn, --school_nn gets inserted here
'select to_cost, teid as target_id, feid||coalesce('',''||via,'''') as via_path from hw_nt_restrictions'::text) INTO v_cost;
-- insert route cost into pupil data table
v_sql:='UPDATE edn_pupilschoolroute SET p_dist = ' || v_cost || ' WHERE pupil_nn = ' || v_pnn || ' AND school_nn = ' || v_snn || ' AND pupilid = ' || v_pid;
EXECUTE v_sql;
RETURN ‘Well, that worked!';
CLOSE cur_pupil;
COST 100;
Thanks in advance
*Ross McDonald | *GIS Data Coordinator | Angus Council | Angus House, Orchardbank Business Park, Sylvie Way, Forfar DD8 1AT*| t: 01307 476419*
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Georepublic UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
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Vicky Vergara
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