[osgeo-ph] A new gvSIG Mobile version is now available
Mario Carrera
mcarrera at gvsig.com
Wed Apr 24 08:14:08 PDT 2019
Hi all,
the new gvSIG Mobile version, the Geographic Information System for
Android systems for field data gathering, is now available to install
from Google Play Store [1].
You can consult the novelties of this new version at the project website
gvSIG Mobile is the application that allows you to map points using
customized forms that include pictures, drop-outs, sketches …, which can
be easily exported for a more advanced analysis in gvSIG Desktop, the
open source Desktop Geographic Information System that is also part of
the gvSIG Suite together with gvSIG Online. These forms can be created
from gvSIG Desktop in an easy way.
Among the most important gvSIG Mobile tools there are tiles importing,
bookmarks importing, vector data export and editing through Spatialite,
WMS servers loading…
If you want to learn how it works you just have to install it on your
Smartphone and follow this video [3].
We hope that you enjoy it.
[2] http://www.gvsig.com/en/products/gvsig-mobile/downloads
[3] https://youtu.be/vQA1njU1Ynw
*Mario Carrera*
gvSIG Association / Asociación gvSIG
http://www.gvsig.com <http://www.gvsig.com/>
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