[Portugal] PostGIS em destaque no Digital GeoInformatics issue 3-2009

Artur Gil arturfreiregil at yahoo.com.br
Wed Apr 29 17:38:20 EDT 2009

----- Mensagem encaminhada ----
De: Artur Gil <arturfreiregil  yahoo.com.br>
Para: lusogis  yahoogroups.com
Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 29 de Abril de 2009 22:37:24
Assunto: Digital GeoInformatics issue 3-2009

Dear reader,

We are pleased to present you the new digital version of GeoInformatics' April/May issue.

In this issue, you can read all about:

 	* Trimble Juno SC Handheld
	* Fugro-BKS
	* Urban Games
	* PostGIS
	* etc.etc. 
Please follow the below link to read it all!

Enjoy your reading!

Eric van Rees,
evanrees  geoinformatics.com 
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