[Portugal] Maps In Modern Web Design: Showcase and Examples

termal12 termal12 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 10:07:39 EDT 2010


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Web Design: Showcase and Examples via Smashing Magazine Feed de Zach
Dunn em 06/04/10

Geo-location was a hot topic in 2009. With so many applications on
GPS-enabled smartphones, more maps than ever were accessible to the
average person. But how can Web designers and developers take advantage
of an increasingly location-aware user base? This article explores
existing trends, conventions and the possible future of interactive
maps online.

Offtopic: by the way, did you know that there is a Smashing eBook
Series? Book #1 is Professional Web Design, 242 pages for just $9,90.
The Fundamentals Of Online Maps
When most people think of maps on the Internet, Google, MapQuest and
TomTom might come to mind. These are the giants in the industry, but
they are far from the most creative. These companies provide maps as a
service. As you’ll see from the mapping applications featured
throughout this article, Google doesn’t own the market. There is still
plenty of room for creative map innovation.

This isn’t a lesson in cartography, but understanding the purposes that
maps can serve in modern Web design is important. Three main areas seem
to represent the majority of tasks:

- Navigation and directions,
- Show relationships and trends geographically,
- Show points of interest.Interactive Maps
The expansion of Web technology over the past decade has opened a
number of doors to presenting data online. One of the most rapidly
improving tools for interactive presentation is the map.

Interactive maps on the Internet present data most effectively when
they invite action from the user. Showing relationships between data is
easier when the user has the power to change the visuals. These are
advantages that traditional print maps do not have. If a print map is
not clear initially, a person can do very little to make sense of it.
With online interactive maps, the simple action of moving sliders
around reveals relationships between data and content.

Panning and zooming are fundamental to the interactive map. These
actions enable the user to focus their browser on the amount of
information that they’re comfortable with.
No Legend Required
On traditional print maps, the legend serves as a translator for the
symbols used. Contextual windows eliminate the need for legends in many
online maps. Instead of having to refer to an explanation of the symbol
in the margins, the user simply clicks on a point to find out more
about it. The results in fewer steps and less eye movement to
accomplish the same goal. To illustrate just how intuitive this kind of
action has become to Web users, try out the “America’s Best Adventures”
map below:

Clicking a dot brings up a contextual window.

Legends are still needed in certain cases. Heat maps, for example,
display intensity by shade of color, and users usually require a
reference bar to make sense of the information. Contextual menus do not
make legends obsolete across the board, just for simple “points of
Common Types Of Map Navigation
Other than panning and scrolling, there are a number of interesting
ways to present digital maps. Below are some the of the most common
among modern interactive maps. Keep in mind that mixing and matching
most of these methods is possible; one does not necessarily preclude
use of others.
When the user has to move through various levels of specificity of
data, a drill-down style of navigation is commonly offered. The
drill-down clearly groups information of magnitudes ranging anywhere
from the “big picture” down to an individual case.

Google Analytics presents a drill-down style for its world maps. By
clicking on a specific country, the map reorients itself to mute other
countries, and then does the same at the state and city level. This
allows the user to control the specificity of data without being

A timeline slider shows progress over time on a map. The slider doesn’t
necessarily have to represent time itself. The main purpose is to show
the correlation between the slider’s metric and the map’s content.

This is different from the drill-down method because with zooming, the
map is typically not rebuilt or reorganized for each level of
magnification. With zooming, the map allows information to be examined
more closely, rather than regroups data for a smaller area.

Some data may not be visible until a certain level of magnification is
reached. This keeps broader views from being cluttered by details that
have little relevance at that scale. An example of this is street
names, which are hidden from view at the magnification shown below.

Before and After
Like the timeline approach, this one shows multiple states of the same
location. The difference is that the before-and-after method shows only
two states. This style has been showing up much more frequently lately,
particularly with satellite imagery.

After the recent Haiti disaster, the New York Times used composite
images taken from space to create an interactive map that showed the
destruction. The result was a striking before-and-after illustration of
the earthquake’s destruction of Port-au-Prince.

Point of Interest
In a point-of-interest map design, everything but the target area falls
into the background. This allows the user to focus instantly on the
relevant points of interest. Additional information can be conveyed by
the relative sizes of the markers, making it easy to discern
relationships between locations without clutter.

Odopod takes this idea a step further on its contact page by offering a
photo of its office’s front. Finding the right building is now much

Maps As Informational Tool
The Internet and digitization of information represents an interesting
improvement to print maps. Used in conjunction with surveys and user
feedback, maps can become an almost real-time representation of
information. With this method, comparing two metrics side by side is
simply a matter of selecting the desired ranges.

The maps on National Geographic’s website illustrate how interactive
maps can be used to show worldwide trends from collected data. The
Earth Pulse map, for instance, has a menu on the side that allows users
to display information based on metrics such as population, meat
consumption and deforestation.

 From the Political World
Location gives context to current events. It’s no surprise, then, that
news organizations are visualizing world events with some of the Web’s
most innovative maps.

Perhaps the most heavily mapped period of time was the 2008 US
presidential election. Interactive maps were created daily to show
voter opinion. Anytime a poll was released, you could be sure that an
interactive map would soon follow. Because the information was tied to
constantly updated data, a static map would have become irrelevant
within hours.

In the heat of the race, CNN released a tool that allowed users to
assign votes and project which candidate would ultimately win. The map
thus not only presented information, but became a tool for generating

Once the election was over, the country’s voting patterns were mapped
as well. One of the more interesting versions was the Washington Post’s
map broken down by county. The map used Flash to give a full 360-degree
view of election trends. The results of an entire campaign were summed
up effectively in a single graphic.

This is where maps tend to overlap with (or even become) infographics.
The difference is in presentation and design. In the Washington Post’s
map, the information was directly tied to a particular area. The data,
then, would be relevant only to the context in which it was collected.
A 30-year-old female voter in California is not the same as a
30-year-old female voter in New York.
Unconventional Maps
While the majority of maps in this article are of physical locations,
don’t feel that you have to stick to that. Geographical maps are not
the only kind of maps out there. Maps can also be used to explore more
abstract information, not unlike static infographics. GOOD illustrates
this with its “Roadmap to Harmony” presentation. The result is both
logical and inspiringly creative.

“Roadmap to Harmony” breaks the mold of location-based maps.
The Future of Location
Most of the maps we’ve looked at are of physical locations and
buildings. The future of interactive maps will have to accommodate the
role of people, too, and people are a bit more mobile than bricks and

Services like Foursquare and Gowalla are making sure that maps and
location are a part of the daily lives of smartphone users. Twitter is
rapidly expanding its API to include location data. Where you are at
any given moment has remarkable implications. This could lead to
websites that collect such data and turn it into maps that show
movement and trends.

Mapping Action from Location
Consider how many people checked in at this year’s SXSWi conference.
The entire conference was mapped thanks to the location-based badges of
attendees. This was more than just about individuals sporadically
updating their location; it was an demonstration of how an entire
event’s “personality” could be mapped based on the actions of its
participants. With so many attendees checking into each event, the data
could be used to determine everything from eating habits to panel

People-Centric Maps
Relying on GPS only to locate buildings may soon be a thing of the
past. We may begin to see contact pages of website designers that have
a “Find me here now” section, complete with GPS coordinates? NFL player
Chad Ochocinco has already taken this level of interaction to a whole
new level. And nothing is to stop the average person from jumping
onboard, too (privacy concerns notwithstanding).
A Showcase of Maps in Web Design
We’ve covered a lot of ground today. The showcase below compiles more
examples of maps for your inspiration. Thanks to Pattern Tap for making
the process of searching by design element relatively painless (even
though it doesn’t yet have a map section). Many of the examples below
were scavenged from there and other locations.

Interactive map for the future development of Innovista, a massive
project of the University of South Carolina.

Hotel Oxford puts its location in context.

EveryBlock displays city news as point-of-interest markers.

An exaggerated rendering of building location.

KNI uses maps to show studio locations.

Even if not perhaps to scale, Victoria Star’s map provides all the
information you would need to find the company.

A rough guide to finding bars.

This one explores the routes of famous expeditions.

A jQuery-powered map of open school-teacher positions.

An interactive map of the fictional World of Warcraft.
Build Your Own
Looking to generate your own map for a project? While JavaScript and
HTML5 have come a long way, Flash-based alternatives like amMaps still
offer some of the most robust solutions for interactive mapping. Almost
every map mentioned in this article could be built using this (or a
similar) system.

If you’re looking for a non-Flash alternative, Carsonified recently
published a great case study on using jQuery for interactive mapping,
which explains the process. Know of any other Internet-based mapping
systems out there that designers should know about? Share a link in the
comments below.


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