[Portugal] Re: First satellite map of Haiti earthquake
Artur Gil
arturfreiregil at yahoo.com.br
Thu Jan 14 14:24:03 EST 2010
----- Mensagem encaminhada ----
De: Miguel Eduardo Gil Biraud
Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 14 de Janeiro de 2010 18:08:17
Assunto: Re: First satellite map of Haiti earthquake
algo más de información sobre las acciones que se est谩n llevando a
cabo desde el mundo GIS para ayudar a Haiti
especialmente interesante la participación en OpenStreetMap, con hasta
200 sesiones de edición simultaneas y ahora trazando sobre la imagen
de GeoEye.
2010/1/14 Artur Gil <arturfreiregil yahoo.com.br>:
> A major 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince on 12 January, causing major casualties and damage. The quake was followed by several aftershocks with magnitudes over 5.0.
> Such a powerful earthquake can make current maps suddenly out of date, causing additional challenges to rescue workers on the ground. Earth observation satellite images can help rescue efforts by providing updated views of how the landscape and the infrastructure have been affected.
> Read more at:
> http://www.esa.int/esaEO/SEM5G7MJ74G_environment_0.html
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