[Portugal] QGIS hackfest 2010, 18-22 Março

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at gmail.com
Sat Jan 16 06:56:37 EST 2010

Bom dia,
é anunciado il QGIS hackfest 2010, que terá lugar em Março em Pisa (Toscana, Italia),
mais exactamente no interior do parque natural de "San Rossore"


Eu vou, se mais alguém é interessado em ir por favor entre em contacto comigo
para eventualmente combinar a viagem juntos.


-- Giovanni --


QGIS Hackfest, Thursday, March 18, 2010 - Monday, March 22, 2010


* Is the QGIS Hackfest just a coding event? 
It is mainly a coding and documentation event. 
It is a working session for people who are already participants 
in the QGIS project and/or are committed to improving the QGIS project.
On demand we can do some presentations of current working qgis 
implementation and new upcoming features to spread the idea of openGIS software

* Is the QGIS Hackfest for developers only? 
No: anybody can help, with testing, checking out bugs and fixes, documentation and more.

* Where can I get help and more information about the hackfest? 
Contact Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it


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