[Portugal] OpenGeo announced the launch of the prj2epsg.org tool and website

Miguel Marques miguelmarques.mm at gmail.com
Tue Jun 15 09:29:01 EDT 2010

Boa tarde,


Aproveitando o tópico de sistemas EPSG, há algum local que tenha a lista actualizada dos códigos EPSG para os sistemas de coordenadas Portugueses, activos e obsoletos?


No site <http://www.igeo.pt/produtos/Geodesia/Inf_tecnica/sistemas_referencia/sistemas_referencia.htm>  do IGP encontrei a referência e descrição dos sistemas de coordenadas, mas não o código EPSG. 


Encontrei também um <http://geodivagar.blogspot.com/2009/11/codigos-epsg-utilizados-em-portugal.html>  post no blog Geo-divagações com um resumo de Novembro do ano passado, mas que colide com uns e-mails trocados nesta lista sobre os códigos EPSG há uns meses atrás, sobre os Açores.


Se alguém puder confirmar ou corrigir, agradeço.


Miguel Marques



De: portugal-bounces  lists.osgeo.org [mailto:portugal-bounces  lists.osgeo.org] Em nome de Artur Gil
Enviada: segunda-feira, 14 de Junho de 2010 23:11
Para: lusogis  yahoogroups.com
Cc: portugal  lists.osgeo.org
Assunto: [Portugal] OpenGeo announced the launch of the prj2epsg.org tool and website





June 14th, 2010

Once upon a time, a group of smart people got together to define a common standards base for geographic map services, a “ <http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wms> Web Map Service” specification, if you will.

They wanted their map services to be interoperable, but different maps can be rendered using different <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Map_projection> projections, and in order to overlay one map onto another, they needed to know (and advertise) the projections of both.

There was an existing standard for representing map projections, called “ <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well-known_text#Spatial_reference_systems> well-known text” (which is also, confusingly, the name that describes a standard for representing geometries) but it was quite verbose. Who, after all, could remember this:

        SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,

More importantly, how would this fit cleanly into a URL?

Fortunately, there already existed a large database of commonly used map projections: the  <http://www.epsg.org/CurrentDB.html> EPSG database. This provided a single numeric ID for each common map projection. So it was decided that all map services must advertise their projection using a unique number defined by an authority, and set EPSG as the first authority. And so ESPG:4326 came into the world (WGS84 geographic coordinates) along with ESPG:26910 (NAD83 UTM Zone 10 North), and many others.

But, unlike me, most GIS practitioners haven’t memorized the EPSG database. So they frequently ask questions like “what is the EPSG number for Oregon State-Plane South?” and “how do I find the EPSG number for this shapefile?” One could search  <http://spatialreference.org/> spatialreference.org, a site for understanding spatial reference systems. My own answer used to be a fairly unhelpful set of directions for doing a text search of the PostGIS SPATIAL_REF_SYS table:

SELECT srid, srtext FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srtext ILIKE '%oregon%';

But today, I can provide a much simpler answer: Use  <http://prj2epsg.org/search> prj2epsg.org. With  <http://prj2epsg.org/search> prj2epsg.org, you can paste in full well-known text descriptions, you can type in  <http://prj2epsg.org/search?terms=bc+albers> shorter keyword searches, and you can even read a .prj file directly.

This free public service is provided by  <http://opengeo.org/> OpenGeo and our cloud services provider  <http://www.skygoneinc.com/> SkyGone. The code is naturally all  <http://svn.opengeo.org/prj2epsg/trunk/> open source and the service is built on top of the same GeoTools library that is at the heart of our <http://opengeo.org/products/suite> OpenGeo Suite.

And now we’re all hopefully one step closer to living happily ever after.

Tags:  <http://blog.opengeo.org/tag/epsg/> epsg,  <http://blog.opengeo.org/tag/prj/> prj,  <http://blog.opengeo.org/tag/shapefile/> shapefile,  <http://blog.opengeo.org/tag/site/> site,  <http://blog.opengeo.org/tag/well-known-text/> well known text,  <http://blog.opengeo.org/tag/wkt/> wkt

This entry was written by  <http://> Paul Ramsey on Monday, June 14th, 2010 at 10:00 am and is filed under  <http://blog.opengeo.org/category/products/> Products. You can follow any responses to this entry through the  <http://blog.opengeo.org/2010/06/14/prj2epsg/feed/> RSS 2.0 feed. You can  <http://blog.opengeo.org/2010/06/14/prj2epsg/#respond> leave a response, or  <http://blog.opengeo.org/2010/06/14/prj2epsg/trackback/> trackback from your own site.


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