[Portugal] Workshop: Value of Geoinformation 2010
Artur Gil
arturfreiregil at yahoo.com.br
Wed Mar 17 21:06:25 EDT 2010
*Workshop: Value of Geoinformation 2010* Sept. 30 - Oct. 2 | 2010 | Hamburg | Germany- First announcement | Call for extended abstracts
The Organising Committee of GeoValue `10 invites you to submit an extended abstract and
take part in this important event. The international Programme Committee will consider the
following contributions:
• Extended abstracts describing novel research, up to 3000 words (peer reviewed by
two members of the Programme Committee);
• Contributions of young PhD researchers describing their PhD topics in the research
areas of the workshop.
All selected extended abstracts will be orally presented at the workshop and printed in the
workshop proceedings. Submitting an extended abstract will be considered as preregistration
to the workshop.
The international Programme Committee would like to address the following overall topics:
- value, cost, and pricing of geoinformation
- assessment of spatial data infrastructures
- geoinformation value chain
- socio-economic impacts of geoinformation
The best extended abstracts and their authors will be invited to extend their abstract and
contribute an article for the special issue of The International Journal of Spatial Data
Infrastructures Research ( http://ijsdir.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ ).
Extended abstracts submission deadline June 15th 2010
Notification of acceptance July 20th 2010
Final extended abstracts delivery August 10th 2010
GeoValue ´10 workshop | Hamburg 30th September – 2nd October
The extended abstracts should be submitted to the following E-Mail address:
geovalue hcu-hamburg.de
All extended abstracts should be submitted in English.
Further information:
Alenka Poplin | HafenCity University Hamburg | DigiMap Lab
E-Mail: alenka.poplin hcu-hamburg.de
AGILE supports GeoValue`10 for two PhD student grants in the amount of €400.- for each
student. Young researchers are encouraged to send their applications for grants to the email
address geovalue hcu-hamburg.de
The registration for the workshop is 150.- Euro, which includes participation at the workshop,
snacks, coffee and the social event. The proposed workshop is financially supported by
HafenCity University Hamburg and two PhD grants from AGILE.Â
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