[Portugal] uDig 1.2.1 Released

Hugo Martins hfpmartins at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 09:52:24 EST 2011

  Sent to you by Hugo Martins via Google Reader: uDig 1.2.1 Released via
Slashgeo.org by Satri on 2/3/11

The release of the open source java desktop GIS uDig version 1.2.1 has
been announced. We often mentioned uDig in the past.

 From the announcement: "This is an incremental update with mainly bug
fixes but there are a few notable features added as well.

- Additional style editor pages; thanks to the JGrass project and
- Access to the latest GeoTools renderer with support for hatch patterns
- Access to world+image "bmp" files
- Experimental - WMS 1.3.0 support
- Updated "submit log" in the help menu" You are not watching this
post, click to start watching
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