[Portugal] Fwd: An e-Learning Framework for using Geospatial Open Data, Open Source and Open Standards

Victor Ferreira victor at fa.utl.pt
Thu Feb 17 04:17:34 EST 2011

Apareceu no Lusogis, mas também poderá interessar ao grupo do "ensino" 
osgeo. Aliás o projecto parece ter colaboração com o a Osgeo.

    The Centre for Geospatial Science in partnership with Mimas
    (University of Manchester) is starting  a new JISC-funded project
    called ELO-Geo (An e-Learning Framework for using Geospatial Open
    Data, Open Source and Open Standards)

    The objective of this project is to enable the wider community (not
    just GIS experts) to make use of open source geospatial tools for
    solving real world problems. More details are

    We welcome all interested in this initiative to share their ideas
    about the possible training materials for open geospatial community
    to be in contact with the project lead (Dr Amir Pourabdullah ,
    E-mail-amir.pourabdollah  nottingham.ac.uk  )

    Best wishes,

    Suchith Anand

    Dr Suchith Anand

    Centre for Geospatial Science
    The Nottingham Geospatial Building

    University of Nottingham  NG7 2 TU
    Tel: (0)115 82 32750


    Mission - Building up Open Source, Open Standards, Open Data
    research for bridging the digital divide

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