[Portugal] QGIS 1.7 Release

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at gmail.com
Sun Jun 19 16:12:58 EDT 2011


Whats new in Version 1.7.0?

This release is named after the town of Wroclaw in Poland. The
Department of Climatology and Atmosphere Protection, University of
Wroclaw kindly hosted our last developer meeting in November 2010.
Please note that this is a release in our 'cutting edge' release series.
As such it contains new features and extends the programmatic interface
over QGIS 1.0.x and QGIS 1.6.0. As with any software, there may be bugs
and issues that we were not able to fix in time for the release. We
therefore recommend that you test this version before rolling it out
en-masse to your users.

This release includes over 277 bug fixes and many new features and
enhancements. Once again it is impossible to document everything here
that has changed so we will just provide a bullet list of key new
features here.

Symbology labels and diagrams

      * New symbology now used by default!
      * Diagram system that uses the same smart placement system as
      * Export and import of styles (symbology-ng).
      * Labels for rules in rule-based renderers.
      * Ability to set label distance in map units.
      * Rotation for svg fills.
      * Font marker can have an X,Y offset.
      * Allow the line symbol layers to be used for outline of polygon
        (fill) symbols.
      * Option to put marker on the central point of a line.
      * Option to put marker only on first/last vertex of a line.
      * Added \"centroid fill\" symbol layer which draws a marker on
        polygon's centroid.
      * Allow the marker line symbol layer to draw markers on each
      * Move/rotate/change label edit tools to interactively change data
        defined label properties.

New Tools

      * Added GUI for gdaldem.
      * Added 'Lines to polygons' tool to vector menu.
      * Added field calculator with functions like $x, $y and
      * Added voronoi polygon tool to Vector menu.

User interface updates

      * Allow managing missing layers in a list.
      * Zoom to group of layers.
      * 'Tip of the day' on startup. You can en/disable tips in the
        options panel.
      * Better organisation of menus, separate database menu added.
      * Add ability to show number of features in legend classes.
        Accessible via right-click legend menu.
      * General clean-ups and usability improvements.

CRS Handling

      * Show active crs in status bar.
      * Assign layer CRS to project (in the legend context menu).
      * Select default CRS for new projects.
      * Allow setting CRS for multiple layers at once.
      * Default to last selection when prompting for CRS.


      * Added AND and OR operator for raster calculator
      * On-the-fly reprojection of rasters added!
      * Proper implementation of raster providers.
      * Added raster toolbar with histogram stretch functions.

Providers and Data Handling

      * New SQLAnywhere vector provider.
      * Table join support.
      * Feature form updates:
              * Make NULL value string representation configurable.
              * Fix feature updates in feature form from attribute
              * Add support for NULL values in value maps (comboboxes).
              * Use layer names instead of ids in drop down list when
                loading value maps from layers.
              * Support feature form expression fields: line edits on
                the form which name prefix "expr_" are evaluated. Their
                value is interpreted as field calculator string and
                replaced with the calculated value.
      * Support searching for NULL in attribute table.
      * Attribute editing improvements:
              * Improved interactive attribute editing in table
                (adding/deleting features, attribute update).
              * Allow adding of geometryless features.
              * Fixed attribute undo/redo.
      * Improved attribute handling:
              * Optionally re-use entered attribute values for next
                digitized feature.
              * Allow merging/assigning attribute values to a set of
      * Allow OGR 'save as' without attributes (for eg. DGN/DXF).

Api and Developer Centric

      * Refactored attribute dialog calls to QgsFeatureAttribute.
      * Added QgsVectorLayer::featureAdded signal.
      * Layer menu function added.
      * Added option to load c++ plugins from user specified
        directories. Requires application restart to activate.
      * Completely new geometry checking tool for fTools. Significantly
        faster, more relevant error messages, and now supports zooming
        to errors. See the new QgsGeometry.validateGeometry function

QGIS Mapserver

      * Ability to specify wms service capabilities in the properties
        section of the project file (instead of wms_metadata.xml file).
      * Support for wms printing with GetPrint-Request.


      * Support for icons of plugins in the plugin manager dialog.
      * Removed quickprint plugin - use easyprint plugin rather from
        plugin repo.
      * Removed ogr convertor plugin - use 'save as' context menu


      * Undo/Redo support for the print composer

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