[Portugal] GeoNode 1.1 Released

Hugo Martins hfpmartins gmail.com
Quarta-Feira, 8 de Fevereiro de 2012 - 05:31:09 EST

  Sent to you by Hugo Martins via Google Reader: GeoNode 1.1 Released
via Slashgeo.org by Satri on 2/7/12

We first mentioned it two years ago, and now the open source GeoNode
1.1 has been released.

What GeoNode is? "GeoNode is an open source platform that facilitates
the creation, sharing, and collaborative use of geospatial data. The
project aims to surpass existing spatial data infrastructure solutions
by integrating robust social and cartographic tools. At its core, the
GeoNode has a stack based on GeoServer, Django, and GeoExt that
provides a platform for sophisticated web browser spatial visualization
and analysis. Atop this stack, the project has built a map composer and
viewer, tools for analysis, and reporting tools."

And what version 1.1 has for us: "

- Improved documentation
- Support for GeoServer 2.1, including:
- GeoWebCache integration
- direct Shapefile-to-PostGIS import from the GeoNode upload form
(thanks to Matt Bertrand)
- speed improvements to the way GeoNode manages GeoServer configuration
- Support for GeoNetwork 2.6
- Various UI improvements, including:
- a new user profile page listing the user’s layers and maps
- a “Get feature info” tool to identify feature attributes when viewing
- improved map transitions and performance
- Increased coverage in GeoNode’s automated test suite
- Better feedback from admin tools (thanks to Ariel Núñez)
- Installer for Ubuntu (thanks to Ariel Núñez)
- Numerous bug fixes thanks to support from partners at last year’s
roadmapping summit
- Translations in…" Google Plus One

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- Subscribe to Slashgeo.org using Google Reader
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