[Portugal] [FW] Scientific collaborator (50%) in the field of
European Spatial Development (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
Fernanda Nery
nery.mail gmail.com
Quinta-Feira, 24 de Maio de 2012 - 10:48:04 PDT
*University of Erlangen / Institute of Geography:*
*Scientific collaborator (50%)*
*in the field of European Spatial Development*
At the Institute of Geography at the University of Erlangen we have an
opening for` a scientific collaborator (50%) in the field of European
Spatial Development. The contract period is two years. A renewal is
foreseen on the basis of projects that the recruited person will help to
apply for.
Main tasks:
- Support of research activities, in particular preparation of
project applications
- Preparation of a PhD project
- Organisational support for the academic team
- Teaching
Qualification: university degree in Geography or Planning
The application should include a CV, certificates, and a short summary of
the thematic focus for the potential PhD project (max. 1 page). The
documents should be sent before the 20th June 2012 in pdf format to
tobias.chilla at geographie.uni-erlangen.de. The beginning of the contract is
flexible, ideally it would begin on the 1stOctober 2012.
For questions please contact Prof. Dr. Tobias Chilla.
Prof. Dr. Tobias Chilla<http://www.geographie.uni-erlangen.de/pers/tchilla/>
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg /
Kochstr. 4/4
91054 Erlangen
09131/85-23308 (-22633)
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