[Portugal] Chicago on github (open data)

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi faunalia.pt
Terça-Feira, 12 de Março de 2013 - 02:09:51 PDT


"We just released five datasets—street locations, building footprints,
bike routes, pedway routes and bike rack locations—with an open source
license on GitHub.

Anyone can now change the data when new bike paths are built, when
roads are under construction, and new buildings are erected. When you
want to improve our data, just fork it. Users are encouraged to
improve data accuracy, combine it with other data sources, or download
and use it for analysis or a new app.

All of the city’s data on GitHub is being released under an MIT
License, who, gives you the right to use data for any purposes. Users
have the right to download, modify, or use it for any purpose,
including commercialization. Projects like OpenStreetMaps, an online
community of over 1 million volunteers which have built a free
international mapping and trip planning website, will be able to add
over 2 gigabytes of data to their site. Companies can use this data as
part of daily business."

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