[Portugal] Valencia Linux school distro saves 36 million euro

Jorge Sanz jsanz osgeo.org
Terça-Feira, 29 de Julho de 2014 - 11:25:50 PDT

2014-07-29 11:01 GMT+02:00 Giovanni Manghi <giovanni.manghi at faunalia.pt>:
> https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/osor/news/valencia-linux-school-distro-saves-36-million-euro
> The government of the autonomous region of Valencia (Spain) earlier
> this month made available the next version of Lliurex, a customisation
> of the Edubuntu Linux distribution. The distro is used on over 110,000
> PCs in schools in the Valencia region, saving some 36 million euro
> over the past nine years, the government says.

Let me add (I'm kind of proud of that project) that Lliurex is not
just a Linux distro but an integral IT project for primary and
secondary schools, with teachers training and support, different
classroom configurations (depending on how old the computers are), and
so on.

That's for sure the main difference with other "regional" distros
projects (buble) we had some years ago. The key of its success (I want
to think) was to have a more generic approach than just creating a DVD
to give on fairs as sadly happened with some of those other projects.


Jorge Sanz

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