[Portugal] trainee position in GIS and mapping conservation project

Mendes de Jesus, Jorge jorge.mendesdejesus wur.nl
Sexta-Feira, 3 de Abril de 2015 - 03:39:54 PDT

Hola/Ola a todos

In my previous work they are searching for a trainee for a job related to protected areas, GIS and mapping conservation projects

The trainee will work with the DOPA team (http://dopa.jrc.ec.europa.eu/) for a few months. The call is described here: http://recruitment.jrc.ec.europa.eu/?type=TR (check call number 2015-IPR-H-000-4835). Deadline:30/04/2015.

The work is located in Ispra, Italy

Working language: English

Please forward the information to whom maybe of interest

Thank you

Jorge de Jesus

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