[Portugal] MOOC program on "Introduction to Geospatial Technology Using QGIS"

Artur Gil arturgil gmail.com
Domingo, 8 de Fevereiro de 2015 - 11:17:57 PST

The MOOC program on "Introduction to Geospatial Technology Using QGIS"
is starting in just 2 weeks (23rd Feb 2015), so if you have not
registered yet, please register asap at

This is part of our "Train the Trainer" objectives and we especially
encourage educators who wish to build upon Open Principles in
GeoEducation to be part of the program and then build upon the course
materials for their requirements at https://github.com/FOSS4GAcademy

We thank the whole MOOC team and the ICA-OSGeo Lab at Texas A&M
University who have done a great contribution to our geoeducation
efforts by giving away all the course materials under CC licence for
the benefit of the wider community. This in one masterstroke has now
changed geoeducation landscape forever. From lecturers in Brazil who
now can translate this into Portuguese to educators in Africa and Asia
who can customise this for their teaching requirements this opens a
whole new dimension to our geoeducation efforts.

We encourage educators globally to make use of this opportunity.

Best wishes,

Suchith Anand

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