[Portugal] Fwd: Invitation to Open (geo)Data Track at FOSS4G Europe 2015

Artur Gil arturgil gmail.com
Sábado, 28 de Fevereiro de 2015 - 11:35:41 PST

Dear colleagues,

This July, Politecnico di Milano in Como is hosting a wonderful event
dedicated to free and open source solutions for geospatial,
FOSS4G-Europe 2015. Acknowledging the ever-growing importance and
considerable evolution of the open data movement in the world and in
Europe, this year, FOSS4G Europe is dedicating a full track only to
open data!

The topics of interest are (but not limited to):

Open Geodata in the eyes of public administrations
Building a bridge between administrations and communities through Open Geodata
Open Geodata in the private sector
Best practices and guidelines in community driven data
Metadata for Open Geodata
Open Geodata influences in Science
Metrics for evaluating the success of the release of Open Geodata and
good practices for increasing its usage
Open Geodata - Quality and Relevance

Important dates to remember:

Submission deadline: March 9, 2015
Acceptance notice: April 3, 2015
Camera ready version: April 30, 2015
Conference: July 13, 2015

For more details, please check our website
[http://europe.foss4g.org/2015/Call_opendata-track] and follow us on
Twitter [@foss4ge] and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/foss4g.europe


Vasile Craciunescu,
Remote Sensing & GIS Laboratory
National Meteorological Administration
Sos. Bucuresti - Ploiesti 97
Bucharest - Romania
Email: vasile.craciunescu  meteoromania.ro
Web: www.meteoromania.ro
Tel: +40 21 318 32 40 /Int. 163
Fax: +40 21 316 31 43
Mobile: +40 721 295 948

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