[Portugal] Fwd: Helsinki NASA Europa Challenge 2017
Artur Gil
arturgil gmail.com
Quinta-Feira, 27 de Julho de 2017 - 02:53:33 PDT
----- Mensagem encaminhada -----
De: Suchith Anand
Dear colleagues,
On behalf of GeoForAll, I am pleased to see excellent projects taking
shape for this year's NASA Europa Challenge . All these students have
put lot of efforts and even if they don’t win the final awards , they
all are true winners.
Some of the excellent projects submitted are below
* AWARE Algorithmic Wildfire Analysis and pREdiction
* Earth Viewer for the World Heritage Sites
* EXODUS -Monitoring and Regulating the approaching traffic
and manipulating the signal time accordingly
* Make the Farms Searchable from Satellite Imagery with Crop
Based Deep learning Models
* FarmsNtech
* NASA World Weather
*. 3D OpenStreetMap
Details at http://www.nasaeuropachallenge.com
All projects submitted for years challenge are at
There is RCUK SMARTIES Challenge awards (due to the nature of the
RCUK funding, the SMARTIES awards are specific to all UK and India
students who participate in the NASA Europa Challenge 2017.). Total
awards are for £5000. (£2500 for First Place, £1500 for the Second
Place and £1000 for the Third Place) Details at
>From the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) ,
there will be 1000 Euros award for the best student team for Local
farming challenge. Details at
Help your city and thereby the cities of the world with capabilities
all cities need. We are in this world together, let’s deliver results
‘for the benefit of all’, the NASA motto.
We are looking forward to welcoming all teams for our final event in
Helsinki , Finland in August 2017.
Best wishes,
PS: I am also pleased to update that Prof. Stuart Marsh will be from
now the main contact for all the Open Source Geospatial research at
the University of Nottingham.
Dr. Suchith Anand
GeoForAll - Building and expanding Open Geospatial Science
Open Principles in Science and Education for bridging the digital divide
Mais informações acerca da lista Portugal