[Portugal] The H2020 FREEWAT v.1.0 plugin for QGIS for groundwater resource management is now available
Artur Gil
arturgil gmail.com
Quarta-Feira, 1 de Novembro de 2017 - 03:35:15 PDT
The H2020 FREEWAT v.1.0 plugin for QGIS for groundwater resource management
is now available!
A new version of the free and open source FREEWAT plugin (v.1.0) is now
available since October 17th 2017.
Besides some minor bug fixing, the major enhancements with respect to the
previous version (v.0.5) are the following:
- the Copy from vector to vector function can now work on selected features
in input layer (if any);
- info on Model Data Objects is now retrieved directly from the database,
which reduces a lot the time for creating codes’ input files;
- a progress bar during creation of codes’ input files has been included;
- grid cells where the WEL Package is assigned can now be automatically
selected using a line shapefile;
- specified-head values for MODFLOW CHD Package and boundary head values
(bhead variable) for MODFLOW GHB Package can now be obtained by linear
interpolation along a line profile;
- the Crop Growth Module for simulation of crop yield at harvest has been
integrated as a complementary module to be run after MODFLOW-OWHM.
As usual, FREEWAT v.1.0 can be downloaded, along with a complete set of
up-to-date User Manuals and Tutorials, through accessing the Software ->
Download area page of the www.freewat.eu
To do that, login is needed. We recall that (if you already registered) you
don’t need to register again, as you can use the same username and password
received by e-mail when you registered the first time.
You can keep posted about FREEWAT activities, having a look at the News and
Events page of the FREEWAT website and joining our LinkedIn group (EU H2020
FREEWAT), Twitter account (@H2020Freewat) and Facebook page (FREEWAT).
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