[Portugal] INSPIRE Hackathon 2018
Artur Gil
arturgil gmail.com
Terça-Feira, 10 de Julho de 2018 - 03:19:31 PDT
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Suchith Anand
Dear all,
This might be of interest to some. The INSPIRE Hackathon 2018 is in line
with the motto of the INSPIRE Conference – “Make it work together”.
Collaboration and sharing experience in the domain of spatial data and
services and linking these to other domains is the main objective of the
INSPIRE hackathon.
This is the third year of the INSPIRE Hackathon organised in the frame of
the INSPIRE Conference <https://inspire.ec.europa.eu/conference2018>, 18-21
September 2018 in Antwerp, Belgium.
More details at https://www.plan4all.eu/inspire-hackathon-2018/
Best wishes,
Dr Suchith Anand
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