[Portugal] Goggle Maps - preços aumentam 1 400 %
Fred Lehodey
lehodey gmail.com
Segunda-Feira, 4 de Junho de 2018 - 09:50:08 PDT
e esta:
On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 7:49 AM, Luís Moreira de Sousa <
luis.de.sousa protonmail.ch> wrote:
> Bom dia,
> Para quem ainda não se deu conta, a Google vai começar a cobrar em força
> aos utilizadores das suas APIs de mapas.
> https://medium.com/@tomchadwin/a-time-for-free-maps-aec1fddcdffa
> *The Standard (no access to customer support) and Premium plans are being
> merged into one pay-as-you-go pricing plan. And the new fee structure is
> not pretty. Google is raising its prices by more than 1,400%.*
> *Beginning June 11, keyless access will no longer be supported.*
> *You can no longer use the APIs in the first place unless you create a
> billing account and hand-over your credit card information to Google.*
> Cumprimentos.
> --
> Luís Moreira de Sousa
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