[Portugal] FOSS4G 2021 Online Edition
Artur Gil
arturgil gmail.com
Quarta-Feira, 7 de Julho de 2021 - 03:02:17 PDT
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De: Suchith Anand
Dear colleagues,
FOSS4G is the international edition of the Free and Open Source Software
for Geospatial conference (FOSS4G) of the Open Source Geospatial
Foundation. The annual FOSS4G conference is the largest global gathering
for geospatial software. FOSS4G [1] has been held all over the world and
draws attendees from all over the world.
Me and colleagues at the University of Nottingham and OSGeo:UK Chapter had
the opportunity to host FOSS4G in Nottingham in 2013 and expand ideas for
GeoForAll http://2013.foss4g.org I am very grateful to all volunteers
who helped make this possible.
The Academic Tracks of FOSS4G conferences has been key in helping us share
and expand Open Geospatial Science ideas globally. The full academic
proceedings and individual papers from the FOSS4G Global conferences
[Starting from Nottingham FOSS4G <http://2013.foss4g.org/>] are available
at https://scholarworks.umass.edu/foss4g/
Recordings from FOSS4G presentations are also made available thanks to
German National Library of Science and Technology at
This year’s FOSS4G is fully online edition. The draft schedule for FOSS4G
2021 presentations is at https://2021.foss4g.org/schedule/outline and
workshops at https://2021.foss4g.org/schedule/workhops.html
Keynote speakers are at https://2021.foss4g.org/schedule/keynotes.html
Thank you to all FOSS4G 2021 LOC volunteers
Best wishes,
Dr Suchith Anand
Chief Scientist
Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition
[1] https://foss4g.org
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