[postgis-devel] GeometryCollection

Markus Schaber schabios at logi-track.com
Thu Dec 9 06:10:52 PST 2004


The current PostGIS jdbc classes do not contain any GeometryCollection

We were in the need of an empty GeometryCollection as some PostGIS
methods return them occasionally, so I wrote a minimal implementation.

Later, I came accross the GeometryCollection implementation in the wkb4j
package that seems to be rather complete and is LGPL. I already
contacted the author what he thinks about submission to PostGIS, and am
waiting for the reply.

I attached both classes to this email, so you can review them. I would
vote for including the wkb4j implementation, as is more complete and
seems mature.

markus schaber | dipl. informatiker
logi-track ag | rennweg 14-16 | ch 8001 zürich
phone +41-43-888 62 52 | fax +41-43-888 62 53
mailto:schabios at logi-track.com | www.logi-track.com
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