[postgis-devel] Re: NULL geometries

Carl Anderson carl.anderson at co.fulton.ga.us
Mon Jun 7 09:49:05 PDT 2004

Carl Anderson wrote:
> strk wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 07, 2004 at 11:53:03AM -0400, Carl Anderson wrote:
>>> strk wrote:
>>>> Carl, you were right, it was the error function ....
>>>> I've fixed it. Now you get ERRORs instead of traps.
>>>> Also, I've unleashed the parser to accept miXeD case.
>>>> A rimaning issue is about wheter to accept (MULTI)POINT(),
>>>> as empty geometries... I think that would be nice, are there
>>>> comments ?
>>> I am against it becuase it would tend to create in users minds the 
>>> concept of a finer grain of null geometry
>>> sort of a null point vs a null polygon vs ...
>>> when really there exists only a null geometry super class
>> Currently postgis supports (geometry and lwgeom):
>> Do you think it should drop all but last form support ?
>> Another note: table constraints added by AddGeometryColumn never
>> allow the NULL geometry to be inserted, as the check goes:
>>   ((geometrytype(the_geom) = '<type>'::text) OR (the_geom IS NULL))
>> Maybe we should add an isnullgeom(geometry) returning true for
>> comments ?
>> --strk;
> Reading the SFSQL 1.0 spec
>     postgis is required to accept
>       'POINT()', 'LINESTRING()',  etc
> But I don't see a requirement that it has to be stored as such
> looking at Language Constructs
>   IsEmpty(g geometry): Integer
>      The return type is Integer, with a return value of 1 for TRUE,
>      0 for FALSE, and –1 for UNKNOWN corresponding to a function
>      invocation on NULL arguments.
Reading what I just wrote I take this back 'POINT()' must equate to a
empty geometry sub type POINT not a NULL.

> But I think in the bigger picture you may tend to outsmart the statement 
> parser/planner.

Carl Anderson
GIS Manager, Fulton County E&CD
carl.anderson at co.fulton.ga.us

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