[postgis-devel] lwg wkt parser kills postgres
David Blasby
dblasby at refractions.net
Mon Jun 7 14:28:01 PDT 2004
strk wrote:
> bison-1.33 and bison-1.32
> Both keep killing the backend.
> test=# select 'POINT()'::lwgeom::geometry;
> server closed the connection unexpectedly
> What about flex Dave ?
$ flex --version
flex version 2.5.4
I've attached my wktparse.tab.c wktparse.tab.h lex.yy.c.
This is what it does (cf Makefile):
bison -y -vd -p lwg_parse_yy wktparse.y
mv -f y.tab.c wktparse.tab.c
mv -f y.tab.h wktparse.tab.h
/usr/bin/flex -Plwg_parse_yy -if -o'lex.yy.c' wktparse.lex
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