[postgis-devel] simplify()

Kevin Neufeld kneufeld at refractions.net
Mon Nov 22 08:54:56 PST 2004

Is this a bug with simplify(<geom>,<precision>)?

cwb_prod_11_10=# update valid_group_codes set the_geom = 
simplify(the_geom, 1000) where group_code = 'BBAR';

cwb_prod_11_10=# update valid_group_codes set the_geom = 
simplify(the_geom, 1000) where group_code = 'LARL';
ERROR:  out of memory
DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 5441252.

For reference: the_geom in this case is a collection of linestrings, 
making up a single multilinestring. Using a BC Albers projection and our 
dataset, this query will simplify the_geom where every linestring in the 
collection is composed of just its start and end points.

Kevin Neufeld,
Refractions Research Inc.,
kneufeld at refractions.net
Phone: (250) 383-3022 
Fax:   (250) 383-2140 

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