[postgis-devel] Compile failure against 8.0
Kris Jurka
books at ejurka.com
Tue Oct 5 14:38:45 PDT 2004
The version check to determine which version of SPI_cursor_open to use is
Kris Jurka
-------------- next part --------------
? lwgeom/.deps
? lwgeom/lwgeom_functions_basic.d
Index: lwgeom/lwgeom_estimate.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/postgis/postgis/lwgeom/lwgeom_estimate.c,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -c -r1.7 lwgeom_estimate.c
*** lwgeom/lwgeom_estimate.c 29 Sep 2004 10:50:30 -0000 1.7
--- lwgeom/lwgeom_estimate.c 5 Oct 2004 21:40:51 -0000
*** 396,402 ****
! #if USE_VERSION > 80
SPIportal = SPI_cursor_open(NULL, SPIplan, NULL, NULL, 1);
SPIportal = SPI_cursor_open(NULL, SPIplan, NULL, NULL);
--- 396,402 ----
! #if USE_VERSION >= 80
SPIportal = SPI_cursor_open(NULL, SPIplan, NULL, NULL, 1);
SPIportal = SPI_cursor_open(NULL, SPIplan, NULL, NULL);
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