[postgis-devel] loader/dumper manual pages
strk at refractions.net
strk at refractions.net
Fri Apr 1 01:34:57 PST 2005
Curtesy of Roberto Boati, we now have manual pages
for shp2pgsql and pgsql2shp.
Where do you think we should install them ?
Current policy is using postgresql directory layout.
Do we have to stick with it ?
(I don't have a man dir in my postgresql installation)
Or should we add use FSF standard layouts (@prefix@ and friends?)
This question extends to commands themself, and to postgis manuals
and README etc. etc.
These changes are probably best introduced in postgis 1.1.0
togheter with autoconf support (you're already using that
eh ? you shouldn't !).
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