[postgis-devel] shp2pgsql patch
Markus Schaber
markus at schabi.de
Fri Apr 1 08:15:21 PST 2005
Hi, Strk,
strk at refractions.net schrieb:
> Markus, I would move the whole block you're wrapping
> into a separate function (loadData?).
Good idea. I did not want to touch too much of the code, but sometimes,
some refactoring is a good idea :-)
> Also I noted a spurious line in current (original) code at
> line 546. Can you confirm we can drop that line ?
>From looking at the code, I'd agree, but I prefer to run some tests to
be shure.
> (I might be affected by MCA spring hillness ;)
You're not the only one, believe me!
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