[postgis-devel] loader incompatibility
strk at refractions.net
strk at refractions.net
Mon Apr 4 13:50:29 PDT 2005
I've been porting old code to new application.
I carefully avoided to touch any old code
(no wrapping of the load_data functionality, no
function for Outer/Ring detection common for both OLD and NEW
polygon output) to reduce the risk of breaking tested code.
I've made some tests and the OLD way works against both OLD
and NEW postgis.
Limits of using OLD mode are:
- coordinate drifts
- no support for M
Currently my flag is -w (for WKT) but that is actually EWKT
when it comes to Z values.
I think this is the cleaner way to handle the problem and
also WKT no dump mode *might* eventually work on other
OGC-standard databases (do you know any ?).
May I ask you:
- test
- if you like -w or want another name for the flag
- test
- test again
Code is in CVS. Cleanups would be done for 1.0.1.
(Markus: sorry about patches requiring rework)
On Mon, Apr 04, 2005 at 09:37:08AM -0700, Chris Hodgson wrote:
> Markus Schaber wrote:
> >>Maybe just something regarding this issue in the release notes and/or
> >>README or a README.upgrading would be enough to let people know they
> >>should rename their 0.9 shp2pgsql if they need to keep it.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >That's a good idea. Could you post a patch or text snipped that we can
> >check in?
> >
> >
> Sure... not sure where the best place to put it is, but how about
> something like:
> -----
> WARNING: The version of shp2pgsql installed by PostGIS 1.0 is not
> compatible with previous versions of PostGIS. If you are migrating from
> an earlier version(s) of PostGIS, and will be continuing to maintain
> databases using previous version(s) of PostGIS, you may wish to copy
> your pre-existing version of shp2pgsql to a different name (perhaps
> shp2pgsql_old) before it is overwritten by the PostGIS 1.0 installation.
> If you do not keep a copy of your pre-existing shp2pgsql, you will have
> difficulty loading data into your older PostGIS databases.
> -----
> Now that I think a bit more about it, I don't know how many people this
> will really affect - I just now that it would affect us here at
> Refractions, as we have MANY PostGIS databases, of all different
> versions, spread accross several different servers. That said, it
> wouldn't be that painful to have to recompile an older shp2pgsql... but
> it's nice to give people some advance warning before you pull the old
> rug out from under them (even if they're supposed to be standing on the
> new rug).
> Chris
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