[postgis-devel] Re: debian postgis

Markus Schaber schabi at logix-tt.com
Fri Apr 15 04:20:37 PDT 2005

Hi, Strk,

strk at refractions.net schrieb:

>>woody has postgresql 7.2.1, with pg_config equally good.
> Does it have --pkglibdir ?

I just checked myself, on a woody machine:

schabi at multimedia:~$ pg_config --help
pg_config provides information about the installed version of PostgreSQL.

Usage: pg_config --bindir | --includedir | --includedir-server |
--libdir | --pkglibdir | --configure | --version

Operation modes:
  --bindir              show location of user executables
  --includedir          show location of C header files of the client
  --includedir-server   show location of C header files for the server
  --libdir              show location of object code libraries
  --pkglibdir           show location of dynamically loadable modules
  --configure           show options given to 'configure' script when
                        PostgreSQL was built
  --version             show the PostgreSQL version and exit

Report bugs to <pgsql-bugs at postgresql.org>.

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