[postgis-devel] 1.0 branch

Markus Schaber schabi at logix-tt.com
Fri Apr 15 05:26:55 PDT 2005

Hi, Strk,

strk at refractions.net schrieb:

> 	- <your feature-request here>

I have around 66k worth of changes for jdbc2 pending, including working
optional JTS support, extended regression tests and a new autoprobing
DriverWrapper that detects the PostGIS Server version on connection time
to decide whether to send EWKT or HexWKB to the server.

I held those changes back as I did not want to destabilize the 1.0.0
branch. I hope I can commit them on Monday after merging them and
running a first test against the new postgresql-8.1dev-400.jdbc3.jar.

The JTS support makes it possible to create a new kind of regression
test that runs the same spatial operations in JTS and on the Server and
then compare the results. However, there are no such tests yet.

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