[postgis-devel] Re: [postgis-users] Building PostGIS from Sunday CVS..without PostgreSQL Sources...OK ! ! !

strk at refractions.net strk at refractions.net
Tue Apr 26 06:09:12 PDT 2005

On Tue, Apr 26, 2005 at 11:55:32AM +0200, Jean David TECHER wrote:
> > Here you're adding more server headers in case of a build against MINGW.
> > Question is: who is requiring this ? Which source files are trying
> > to include things which are not in PGBEINCLUDES (PostgreSQL Back-End
> > includes) ? Is there a different server-headers layout for postgresql
> > un unix and w32 systems ?
> U need to tell PostGIS where to find file pwd.h, netdb.h  which are locatd
> in include/server/port and
> include/server/port/win32..or else U will have a error

I understood thi, but NONE of the postgis code is trying to include
pwd.h or netdb.h, so I assume it is one of the postgresql server
includes doing it, and in case -I`pg_config --includedir-server`
is not enough to make this work I'd day it is a PostgreSQL bug,
which needs to be discussed with the pgsql guys.

You can verify this is the case by reading full compiler error:
which is the file originating this error ?

> > The value of DLSUFFIX sould be set by configure IMO, the "findstring"
> > call replaced by an invocation of uname probably. What does uname -s
> > returns there ?
> uname -s returns
> MINGW32_NT-5.1
> Could do the invocation of uname..;Right :-)
> > Am I missing something or the two blocks (MINGW or not) are
> > exactly the same in both of the blocks above ?
> Right again...:-) ...But I was in a hurry last sunday...I did'nt read again
> my change

Your work is highly appreciated, but we're not in rush ;)
next release will come out again from the 1.0 branch (1.0.1)
and we are working on the "relaxed" development.

> > Why do you need to link statically against the libpq ?
> Hum..Sorry But in Makefile.config.in when U do
> doesn't work on Windows..I hat a error on a caracter ("squared" caracter
> [] )
> I had something like
> PGFELIBS=-Lc:/PostgreSQL/lib [] -lpq
> So that's the reason...I think U could change this...

Sure, but for sure I never intentionally added a [] thing in.
The configure.in script contains:
PGFELIBS="-L`${PGCONFIG} --libdir` -lpq"
should become something like
PGFELIBS=-L/home/extra/pgroot-8.0.0/lib -lpq

mmm.. I wonder how is that [] generated... any thoughts from
you w32 builders ?


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