[postgis-devel] PostGIS 1.1.0 Win32 Distrib available for French Users

strk at refractions.net strk at refractions.net
Fri Dec 30 06:06:35 PST 2005

On Thu, Dec 29, 2005 at 11:16:52PM +0100, david techer wrote:
> Hi PostGISers,
> I compiled and tryed the following tools:
> -PostgreSQL 8.1.1
> - PostGIS 1.1.0
> - Geos 2.2.1
> - Proj
> for Windows XP, Windows 2000 and 2003 (Win32)
> The distribution for French Users is available here:
> The only modification I had to do was for PostGIS 1.1.0\loader\Makefile
> $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) PQunescapeBytea.o pgsql2shp.o $(LDFLAGS) 
> $(PGFELIBS) -o $@
> by
> $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) PQunescapeBytea.o pgsql2shp.o $(LDFLAGS) $(shell 
> pg_config --libdir)/libpq.dll -o $@
> it seems that `pg_config --libdir` returns and finishes by a bad character 
> on MinGW\Msys
> Regression Tests are perfect ' (success = 9)

I think we fixed this by use of $(echo $(${PG_CONFIG} --libdir)/libpq.dll)
but the construct was not acceped by Solaris shell.. What about trying
again to fix this in the configure.in script ? It would be nice...

Maybe we should strip the "bad character" using sed or maybe using
an incremental approach like:
	LDFLAGS=`pg_config --libdir`
Can you find by use of the shell a viable solution for the problem ?



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