[postgis-devel] Re: postgis failure on debian woody

Markus Schaber schabios at logi-track.com
Wed Feb 23 05:46:46 PST 2005

Hi, Alex,

I just checked in another makefile fix for old fastjar. When telling it
"-C somedir .", it created a new directory called "." inside the jar
file and puts the content of the current directory in it. Weird.

I set up the environment as follows:

$ export
$ export JAVAC=jikes-kaffe
$ export DEBUGJAR=postgis_debug.fastjar

Now "make compile", "make jar" and "make offlinetests" work fine. The
produced postgis.jar works fine under sarge, using all three of kaffe,
sun and ibm JVMs.

So I personally regard all woody specific _build_ issues as solved.

"make versions" and the online tests fail due to the known libpgjava
problem where I cannot do much ATM. Did you have any success with the
libpgjava maintainers?

Under sarge, I successfully built it using either jikes-kaffe or
jikes-gij as JAVAC and fastjar as JAR. The tests (online and offline)
successfully completed using SUN, IBM and kaffe jvm.

markus schaber | dipl. informatiker
logi-track ag | rennweg 14-16 | ch 8001 zürich
phone +41-43-888 62 52 | fax +41-43-888 62 53
mailto:schabios at logi-track.com | www.logi-track.com

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