[postgis-devel] JDBC & WKB - 400% overhead

dblasby at openplans.org dblasby at openplans.org
Wed Feb 23 09:25:01 PST 2005


>Maybe your postgresql driver only uses text transfer up to now.
>asBinary() returns a byte array, so this should be transferred more

I'm using the JDBC3 build 310 drivers (latest from jdbc.postgresql.org).

>Can you try the following query:
>select 5::float8,asBinary('POINT(0 0)')::bytea
asBinary() already returns a bytea:

#\df asbinary
                     List of functions
 Schema |   Name   | Result data type | Argument data types
 public | asbinary | bytea            | geometry
 public | asbinary | bytea            | geometry, text
(2 rows)

But, I tried your query and it, also, sends 84 bytes.


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