[postgis-devel] autoconfiguration for version 1.1.0CVS

alexbodn at 012.net.il alexbodn at 012.net.il
Tue May 17 06:28:59 PDT 2005

hello friends,

though the autoconfiguration of postgis should use only the publicly available postgresql 
information, i think we went too far with dropping usage of Makefile.shlib.

this file is a collection of information needed to make a shared library in the postgresql 
environment, as is stated in it's header.

although i agree it could be splitted in small files, each for a specific architecture, and 
included with the postgresql api, this information should be undoubtely used in the 
process of building postgis, which is a shlib itself.
please also note, that newer postgresql is only adding new architectures to this file, but 
it doesn't make other significant changes.

at the moment, the linux postgis library is lacking the SONAME, and this is the situation 
with other unices, too.

i would kindly ask you to reinclude Makefile.shlib dependency in postgresql, and in the 
most extreme situation, please include a separate Makefile.shlib for each supported 
postgresql branch.

best regards,


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