[postgis-devel] temporal indexing
Chris Hodgson
chodgson at refractions.net
Wed Aug 8 09:27:17 PDT 2007
In order to build the cube index you will need to add an additional
column of type 'cube' which is essentially an aggregate of the geometry
and the date/time columns. If your space and time data is stored in
separate tables, then it will be difficult if not impossible to build an
optimal spatio-temporal index. However, depending on your queries it may
be more optimal to filter one table on the spatial index, and the other
on a B-tree index on the date, and then do a slow non-indexed join... it
just depends on the relative selectivities of your time and space
filters and the overall number of results returned from the query.
Elena Camossi wrote:
> In fact my first intention was to evaluate the performances of the two
> different cases: querying time and space with separate index, and then
> with a unique spatio-temporal index.
> Do spatio-temporal queries, in this second case, can be performed even
> if the spatial and temporal query data are stored as separate column? Or
> is this cube type a special data type with a related index type?
> In my spatio-temporal schema are even defined in different tables, that
> have to be joined when executing the access query.
> Best regards,
> -Elena
> On 8/7/07, * Chris Hodgson* <chodgson at refractions.net
> <mailto:chodgson at refractions.net>> wrote:
> You didn't mention if you would be doing spatio-temporal queries, ie.
> querying for objects which existed within a certain region of time and
> space. For these types of queries, the cube type and index which is
> provided in the postgres-contrib package is quite effective. You can
> store your x,y coordinates in the first two dimensions of the cube,and
> the date/time in the third dimension. The gist-based cube indexes are
> are very fast, but do consume a lot of disk space.
> If you're only querying based on date then a standard b-tree index on
> the date itself should provide reasonable performance.
> Chris
> Elena Camossi wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I'm designing a spatio-temporal schema with support for coverage and
> > temporal data in postgresql by using postgis spatial extension. The
> > temporal support so far is quite limited, just timestamps which
> state
> > the time at which data have been collected. Anyway, the temporal
> > information is extensively used to access data, so the corresponding
> > fields should require an index.
> >
> > The scientific literature states that R-Tree perform quite well with
> > this kind of data, but there exist other indexes that should
> perform better.
> > Does anyone in the list has some previous experience on using GiST
> > postgres implementation for indexing postgresql temporal columns?
> Does
> > anyone extend the GiST operator classes with specific support for
> > temporal data?
> >
> > Thank you for helping.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > -Elena
> >
> >
> >
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