[postgis-devel] PostGIS release

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Wed Jul 11 08:45:16 PDT 2007

We can simply cut the release without the geocode tree.

Mark Leslie wrote:
> That's a good question.  As far as getting into svn, we weren't
> expecting a stable and perfect geocoding solution.  Mostly we just
> wanted to get it in there for ease of maintenance.
> You are quite right though.  Once people start using it, we don't want
> to break their applications.  I wouldn't worry too much about the table
> structure, but if you feel changes need to be made to the results of
> geocode() it would be best to do it before releasing.
> Mark
> Stephen Frost wrote:
>> * Mark Leslie (mark at refractions.net) wrote:
>>> Does anyone have any outstanding fixes or functionality they need to get
>>> in before a release?
>> This doesn't go to those questions but it's something which just occured
>> to me.
>> What kind of stability (if any) are you looking for wrt the tiger
>> geocoder?  I'd call it "somewhat" stable right now but without any
>> guarentee that the structure currently returned from geocode() is going
>> to remain the same or that the table structures won't change in a future
>> revision.  If we want it to be stable I'd like a bit more time before
>> the first official release of it.  I'd also want to know when we *can*
>> make changes for it and if we can create branches, etc, to help maintain
>> the 'stable' vs. 'development' versions..
>> 	Thanks!
>> 		Stephen
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   Paul Ramsey
   Refractions Research
   pramsey at refractions.net
   Phone: 250-383-3022
   Cell: 250-885-0632

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