[postgis-devel] OSGeo "Google Summer of Code" Mentors

Eduin Carrillo yecarrillo at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 28 10:15:35 PDT 2007

I'm looking for a sponsor for "Materialized Views with Geometric Support". If some guy on the list would be interest in be mentor for this proposal, please contact me.

PostGIS geometry processing functions consume machine's CPU resources. This behavior can be avoided creating 'snapshots' of data based on views definitions, making queries more light for clients. This is specially useful for web clients. Jonathan Gardner (http://www.jonathangardner.net/PostgreSQL/materialized_views/matviews.html) have aboard this problem with the concept of 'Materialized Views'. These functions may be improved to support PostGIS functionality when creating, refreshing or deleting views.

Eduin Yezid Carrillo Vega

----- Mensaje original ----
De: Redefined Horizons <redefined.horizons at gmail.com>
Para: postgis-devel at postgis.refractions.net
Enviado: lunes, 26 de marzo, 2007 14:02:58
Asunto: [postgis-devel] OSGeo "Google Summer of Code" Mentors

PostGIS Developers,

I am assisting with Frank Wammerdam with the administration of the
2007 Google Summer of Code effort at the OSGeo. Frank asked me to see
if any of the PostGIS Developers would be willing to mentor a Google
Summer of Code student under the OSGeo umbrella. He also wanted me to
let the PostGIS Developers know that there are at least two student
applications submitted to the OSGeo for PostGIS projects. If there are
developers willing to mentor these projects, please let me know as
soon as possible, or sign up as a mentor for the applications.


Landon (A.K.A. – The Sunburned Surveyor)
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postgis-devel at postgis.refractions.net

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