[postgis-devel] Is it possible to get rid of platform specific lwpostgis.sql files?

Tom Lane tgl at sss.pgh.pa.us
Thu Sep 6 21:52:13 PDT 2007

Paul Ramsey <pramsey at refractions.net> writes:
> On 6-Sep-07, at 7:33 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> This is definitely deprecated practice --- you should rely on dfmgr to
>> supply the appropriate platform-specific extension.

> As of what PgSQL version?

A quick look into the CVS history says 7.2 and later.  It's certainly
workable to omit the extension for any release that any sane person
would be using ... and as for the not-so-sane ones, do you think someone
will install a Postgis release >= 2007 on a PG server <= 2001?  Do you
feel a need to support someone who tries?

			regards, tom lane

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