[postgis-devel] Raster in databases ?

Riccardo Rigon riccardo.rigon at ing.unitn.it
Wed Sep 26 23:47:35 PDT 2007

Dear postgis users and developers,

I am investigating about the possibility and the methods to include  
raster data in a geodatabase. There is some experience around ? Did  
postgis developers make some steps towards some standard ? I will be  
using it for storing lidar information and hydrological- 
geomorphological analysis.

With my best regards,

Riccardo Rigon
Universita` di Trento         Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile  e   
Via Mesiano, 77, 38050  Trento      (ITALIA)
E-mail:  riccardo.rigon at ing.unitn.it
Ph: +390461882614-10    Fax:+390461882672
Web page: http://www.ing.unitn.it/dica/hp/?user=rigon
JGrass (Open Source GIS): http://www.jgrass.org/
GEOtop (Open Source distributed hydrological model):  http:// 

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