[postgis-devel] Ordering of geometries in multipolygons, prepared geometries
Kevin Neufeld
kneufeld at refractions.net
Tue Aug 5 11:39:49 PDT 2008
Yes, specifying a custom ordering for collect often makes a huge
difference when performing certain operations, but PostGIS does not do
anything special internally with the ordering of a collection ... yet.
I recall back in Nov.2007 that Lee Keel was trying to union ~33000
polygons together that was taking over 5 hours to compute. (See the
"geomunion revisited..." thread in postgis-users).
Using a technique called cascaded union, Martin Davis and I were able to
drop the computation to half a minute by simply ordering the geometries
so that they were spatially close to eachother and then unioning small
collections at a time.
Martin, what's the status of your CascadedUnion class in JTS? Do you
know if it ever made its way into GEOS yet?
-- Kevin
Obe, Regina wrote:
> Do PostGIS functions take advantage of the internal ordering of
> geometries in a Multi geometry?
> The reason I ask is that since ST_Collect just collects geometries in
> the order they are fed in, I'm wandering if its better to advice to
> first order the geometries before collecting.
> Something along the line of
> SELECT stusps,
> ST_Collect(f.the_geom) as singlegeom
> FROM (SELECT stusps, (ST_Dump(the_geom)).geom As the_geom
> somestatetable
> ORDER BY stusps, somestatetable.the_geom ) As f
> GROUP BY stusps
> or maybe it doesn't make a difference.
> Also I've noticed when using ST_Union if I order the geometries first
> before passing them to ST_Union, it is anywhere from 20-30% faster. On
> some occasions though - its actually slower by about 10% (even when my
> ordering doesn't add any significant time). I'm still trying to figure
> this out.
> Case in point - runs in 359-360 ms
> SELECT ST_Union(the_geom)
> from (SELECT * from neighborhoods ORDER BY the_geom) as foo
> Vs - runs between 530 - 550 ms
> SELECT ST_Union(the_geom)
> from (SELECT * from neighborhoods ) as foo
> This is all running on - "POSTGIS="1.3.3" GEOS="3.0.0-CAPI-1.4.1"
> PROJ="Rel. 4.6.0, 21 Dec 2007" USE_STATS"
> Thanks,> Regina
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